Saturday, March 27, 2010

He's Like the Wind

Let me tell you a little something about this cute little kid we call the Pear. He has, shall we say, a "strong" personality. He's a charmer, flashing that million dollar smile and melting hearts everywhere. He's a cuddler, too, always asking me for "fisses" (kisses) or laying his head on me. Then two seconds later, he's screaming because something - any little thing - doesn't go his way. Hands down, the LOUDEST child I've ever been around. We're working on the whole "church voice" thing. I asked him tonight - "If you have to talk in church, how do you talk." "QUIET!!" he screamed excitedly. Yeah, you get the point.

The softer side of Pear (excuse my outfit - I'd just worked out):

The Dark Side:

Either way, we love this little guy so much (and his awesome big sis, too, of course)!

I'm obviously behind on posting, so I have lots of pictures this go around. First, some shots from the park on one of our recent warm days.

The Worm, looking pretty daring (and darling).

She's getting so tall. I remember not too long ago when she'd just dangle on this.

Love this picture! Crossing the duck pond and headed for the second playground.

He must have gone down this twisty slide 25 times.

Running to give his Mommy a hug!

Love that smile!

Michael looking handsome after church.

Taylor posing with her animals after putting on an animal talent show for me. Husky Dog won. :)

In their chairs. It's funny, they rarely sit in the other kid's chair.

We celebrated our neighbor Caden's 4th birthday at a local pizza restaurant the other day.

Mmmm. Cake.

Our other neighbor, Ben, and his mom Michelle.

Caden and Taylor.

Cute Caden opening the Hot Wheels Octopus set Taylor picked out by herself.

Of course, with Easter around the corner, we've indulged in some Peeps. Taylor passed on the pink ones and chose green because she knows it's my favorite color. Such a sweetie!

He looks excited, but he actually didn't care for it much.

The Worm loved hers!

Mike makes fun of me for taking pictures of myself, but it's the only way I can get on my own blog.
I don't think I posted about his before, but Mike was nominated for the Clinton County Leader of the Year in the education field. Wow, what an honor! He lost out to some big-name professor from the college, but still, how cool!
The Hurricane sports banquet was this past week. It's always nice to see the graduating players one more time.

The kids before the banquet.

Peeking Pear.

Peeking Worm.

Mike and one of his favorite seniors, Brandon. Brandon is a total Keefer (see previous posts). Valedictorian, captain of the football team, so polite and friendly - he's got it all going for him and we wish him the best!
Jordan, assistant coach Tony, Mike, Pear, JV coach Zach and Taylor.

Taylor posing after the banquet was over.
Just one week until we leave for Florida. Woo-hoo!! Have a great week.
Until next time,
Mommy Kel

Monday, March 15, 2010

This and That

I think I jinxed the good weather. It's been rainy and cold since I posted about the sun! We've been staying busy indoors, burning off some energy and getting creative.

A big rule in our house is no jumping on the furniture. The kids love to do it, of course. My compromise is that I let them jump on their Pottery Barn chairs, but the other day, I caught them doing a little more. It was yucky outside and they were bored, so I gave them about five minutes to get it all out of their systems.

One, two, three...


...and jump!

...and jump!

Calmed down.

Even this one.

We dyed Easter eggs on Sunday. This was the first year that Michael actually participated fully. The boy doesn't know gentle and had a little trouble easing the eggs into the cups. I had egg salad for dinner that night with all of the eggs he cracked. He had fun though and did a good job. Taylor was just thrilled that I let her get a princess decorating kit.

She chose pink first. Imagine that. The poor kid has an awful head cold right now and you can tell it in her eyes in this picture.

The Worm and her finished products. (We watched Ohio State win the Big 10 tourney just prior to eggs. Go Bucks!)

He did not want my help. That was not a good thing.

Pear and his finished eggs. His eggs are really bright because he refused to let me help get them out of the cups and they sat in the dye forever.

Oh yeah, I don't think I mentioned this yet:

We're headed to Florida in 20 days! And yes, we're driving...

Until next time,

Mommy Kel

P.S. One last cute picture from Taylor's Spring "Real Live Bunnies" photo shoot at school.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Great Thaw

Well, just when I thought I couldn't take another day of crappy, cold, gray snowy winter weather, Spring jumped back into my life. Hooray! (Yes, I'm aware that it's not truly spring yet, but the sunny sun, sprouting flowers and stashed away coat suggest otherwise.) I love opening the windows and letting in the fresh air. Ahhhh.

Before I get into our recent outdoor fun, I'll give a basketball update. Sadly, the Hurricane lost to Marshall by one in overtime for the sectional championship. We had two shots to win it in regulation and one in OT. Heartbreaking. :( This is the third year in a row Marshall has ended our season. We do see Mike much more now, so that's a positive. We all miss him during the season.

Chris Keefer, one of Mike's all-time favorite players, came all the way from Wabash to watch the game. He looks great and we're happy to see him doing so well. We met up for lunch on Sunday.

Chris, Pear, Mike at Applebee's.

The Worm and I.

Michael and I the night before. He wants to wear these jammies every night. I think I'm going to have to buy another pair!

Not sure why she's under the coffee table.

Today has been almost perfect weather-wise, and a bit of surprise since the forecast called for rain. We played outside for the longest time and then took Champy for a long walk. He's snoring as I type. :)
My little animals. Don't they look alike here?


Loving the warm weather!

Check out the form. He could do this all day.

Or this. (Excuse the socks w/ Crocs combo. They asked, I obliged.)

Her pose after sliding. Such a ham.

This playset was definitely worth the $$ we spent four years ago!

Taylor prefers the swings, Michael the slide. No fights - perfect.

She's growing up!

Off to enjoy the rest of this great day!

Until next time,

Mommy Kel