Friday, April 24, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

There is a definite correlation between nice weather and my lack of blogging. Now that it's finally pretty outside, the kids and I spend almost all of our free time at the park, on walks/bike rides or playing in the backyard. I am 100% an outdoors person and could totally do without TV and computers (well, within reason). I don't even have a cell phone. I may be the last person under 70 to be able to say that. My darling 68-year-old father even has a cell phone. Oh well. I've never been "hip" and I really don't care.

The past week was a lot of fun! We rented a pontoon boat on Cowan Lake on Saturday. This is one of our favorite warm-weather activites because the whole family can enjoy it, including Champy. Yes, even our beloved pooch gets to come along. Saturday was beautiful - 70s and sunny. We brought the fishing stuff, but only drop a line a few times. I was all about relaxing. We ate lunch out there, cruised around the lake a little, then headed back. The kids had a blast.

Straight-up Stinkers.

The Pear made me nervous about 5,000 times. He kept trying to get out of the gate onto the bow, climbed the benches, leaned over the sides, etc., etc.

She LOVES being on the boat. This is her fourth year!

Champ is just happy to be included.

We let the Worm drive the boat quite a bit this time. Not cutesy pose-behind-the-wheel-for-a-picture driving, but actual driving.

We had rain on Sunday and I accidently let Champ loose (didn't know the gate was open). I guess he found the nearby creek, because he came back gross. Taylor and I were forced to give him a bath, then hot showers for us!

Champ, pre-shake. Dare I say that he actually looks kind of thin??

All poofy post-shake.
Mike's basketball banquet was Sunday night. The AD organized a dinner and slide presentation to go along with the usual awards ceremony. It was awesome. I'll have to find a way to link to the basketball Power Point. It actually made me kind of teary-eyed.

On Tuesday, Mother (I always call my mom this, kind of as a joke because we are so NOT formal) came up and treated us to a trip to the Outlet Malls. Michael was a little gassy (I call my kids "Olde English Tudors" when they get like that. Get it, "Tooter"?) and not really too happy, but we did get some good shopping time in. Good ol' Mother even treated her baby to a few little things. She rocks.

We got an awesome treat on Thursday. My dear old friend Lea came to visit! Lea is probably my oldest friend (as in time, not age). I think we started hanging out when we were 5 and our older brothers played Little League together. She is so awesome and I could just talk to her for hours. We hadn't seen each other in years, so I was glad she got to see the kids (and meet Michael). I'll be planning a trip to her neck of the woods soon!

Lea swinging Taylor.

Taylor and the Pear. Michael usually takes awhile to warm up to people, but he liked Lea right away. Animals and kids always love her. I think that says a lot!

My old buddy and I.


Michael loves balls. It's one of his favorite words, too. Check out the video below. Watch it twice - once to see Michael's cuteness and a second time to see Champy's fat butt rolling around in the grass. I didn't even realize he was doing it at the time.

I'll end with a few more pictures from the week. Enjoy your weekend!

Michael is a dare-devil. He shimmies right up the steps on our playset. Hard to believe he just started walking three months ago!

Taylor is getting braver, too. She's mastered most of the challenges at the park.

The Pear loves to run around with Taylor's purses. It's hysterical.

Until next time,

Mommy Kel

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Slack Attack!

I've been so busy at work and home since we got back from vacation that I've had almost no time to blog! I got the itch tonight, so I'll try and catch up.

Last weekend (Easter weekend) was a lot of fun! We dyed Easter eggs after I got off of work on Friday. Taylor gets more and more creative. She definitely has an artsy side to her and really enjoys doing crafts, coloring, etc. I bought one of the mega decorating packs so we had it all - glitter, nine dye colors, stickers, beads, etc. She really took her time and made sure each egg was exactly the way she wanted it. What most impressed me is how she really seems to understand what religious holidays are all about. Of course, she appreciates the candy and toys, but the real meaning is there for her.

The artist at work.

She let me do a few. I still love coloring eggs!

The finished products!

I handed Michael an egg and tried to guide it into a cup, but - in typical Michael fashion - he chucked it before I could help him. The kid throws EVERYTHING. He kept saying "bul", his version of ball. The Pear is obsessed with balls. It's almost like an innate reaction for him, haha.

Notice that Mike is holding the egg, not Michael.

The Easter Bunny took care of the kids Sunday morning. Taylor got a cute puppy stuffed animal and Bendaroos (which she's begged for forever). Michael got a peg/hammer set since he loves to whack stuff and a stuffed frog. We usually go to mass on Saturday night or at 9:30 on Sunday, but chose the 8 a.m. mass on Easter to avoid the crowds. Our plan was successful.

The bountiful baskets.

Checking out the goods. Not sure what that look on Michael's face is all about.
What a cutie!

We got some very special visitors after church. My BFF Lauri, her husband Scott and 9-month-old cutie Tony came to visit! I miss these guys so much! We just chilled in the basement and played with the kids and it couldn't have been anymore fun. I was so sad when they had to go.

Michael and his future Ohio State roommate.

Taylor loves Tony! She talks about him all of the time.
I seriously wanted to kidnap their whole family and make them stay for a long, long time.

Taylor took this funny picture of Scott (or "Scout" as she called him).

Later, we headed to my brother Chris's house for dinner and an Easter egg hunt for the kids. The Worm and the Pear enjoyed seeing their cousins and I loved visiting with my mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law and their kids.

The Pear grabbing his one and only egg. I had a cute picture of Taylor too, but Michael got ahold of my camera later and erased it. Stinker.

Alright, off to relax. I'll try and post stuff from this weekend tomorrow. :)

Until next time,

Mommy Kel

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Vacation - So Happy To Get Away!

We're baaaaaaaaack! Vacation was a blast! I'm pretty much the least spontaneous person I know, but we kind of winged this trip. I booked our trip to Myrtle Beach months ago, but the forecast looked horrible for the time we were supposed to be there - rain, 50s and wind chills. Uh, no thanks. So, we cancelled on Friday (yes, two days before we were supposed to leave) and rebooked a trip to Florida!

We stayed at the Innisbrook Resort, just north of Clearwater. I've always stayed on the beach, but I have to tell you, this place was awesome. It was on a golf course (four courses, actually) and was just immaculate. There were six pools, a wildlife preserve, nature walk, mini golf course for the kids, tennis courts, fishing ponds, playground and more. The big pool was made to look like a beach and had sand, etc. Who needs the beach when you have all that? We may stay there again next year. It's cheaper too, because it's not on the beach! Not very crowded either.

Here are some pictures from our adventures!

Taylor on the plane ride down. Both kids did great!

Michael in our rental van. Yes, I drove a van. Yikes!

Michael liked playing in the sand at the pool.

She's too much. She wore these sunglasses day and night, haha.

The Pear and I at the beach. Do not let my attire fool you. The wind was cold!!

Mike had his shirt off for all of about three minutes. Brrr.
Cutie ready to go out for dinner.

We had a one-bedroom condo and Taylor claimed it as hers! Here she is in her king-size bed. Lanie made her third beach trip. The bear's been on more vacations than I went on in the first 20 years of my life!

We went to Chuck E Cheese's one night. Here Michael is taking pointers from Daddy.

Taylor whacking the crap out of some game.

I usually buy healthy snacks for the kids, but Mike picked up a bag of Lay's one night. Michael was addicted! He'd see the bag and shriek with his little arms stretched out. Here, Taylor is feeding him. This picture cracks me up.

Michael at the playground.

The Pear running around like a madman. He did that a lot during our trip.

Taylor on the nature hike.

The gang ready to start the nature hike.

Breakfast! Something about this picture looks 70s-ish.

Michael flashing his fine physique.

My natural sunblock.

My boys. Check out the cool waterfall!

The Worm showing off her new tankini.

Cool water spout thingies.

The Worm and the Pear goofing off at dinner on our last night.
Gotta go prepare for the Easter bunny. Take care!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel