Thursday, October 29, 2009

Holla' ween

Okay, that title doesn't even make any sense, but it made me laugh so it's staying.

(Note: I linked this post onto Kelly's Korner "Show us Your Halloween Costume" post.)

We had trick-or-treating tonight. No, it's not Halloween or Halloween Eve, but I'm alright with it since tonight was the only night that didn't suck weather-wise. The Worm decided to be Daphne from Scooby Doo and since the Pear hates to have anything on his head (see previous post for evidence of this), he got to be Superman. He just loved his costume!

Taylor's costume came with a wig, but the child has inherited my gigantic head and it didn't fit quite right. We went with orange spray instead. It was a PIA to wash out and then clean off the towels, hair brush, bath tub, etc., but it was worth it because she looked soooo cute!

As I mentioned, Michael was all about the Superman costume and actually got a little upset when he saw that Taylor was dressed before him. Here's my boy of steel.

This is the best I could do getting a picture of the two of them together...

...Apparently this is what Taylor considers "putting her arm around" her brother.

We hit up about 20 houses, then came home to inspect the goods. By this point the Pear was on a major sugar high. He actually laid down on top of his candy and made swimming motions. It was hilarious.

It's mine. All mine.

Back off, lady.

A couple other pictures around the neighborhood:

Neighbor Monkey Ben waving his Terrible Towel.

Taylor and her neighbor/ballet friend, McKenna.

Our annual Halloween family shot. It's blurry, but still cute.
Alright, off to bed. I'm volunteering at Taylor's class party tomorrow morning. Fun!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Clowning Around

I found an old clown wig while I was digging through my fall decorations tonight, so we decided to have some fun trying it on.

The Worm was cracking up!

Channelling my inner Phyllis Diller.

Even Champ was a good sport.

I guess I should say that MOST of us had fun with it...
Wow. At least I could use this picture to see that his bottom 2nd year molars have indeed poked through.

Don't worry, I didn't torture him too long. He quickly recovered and had fun laughing at me. :)

What will you and your family be for Halloween?
Until next time,
Mommy Kel

Sunday, October 18, 2009

That Much Closer to 40

I've never really cared about getting older. I'll tell you my age without blinking an eye (36 as of yesterday). I think Mike brought up a good point last night - life is better now than it was 10 years ago, so why would I (or he) want to be 10 years younger? And don't get me wrong, 26 was pretty much fun too, but I'm loving things now.

The kids gave me a little birthday serenade yesterday morning. Have you ever heard a recorder? It's the shrillest sound ever. It's enough to make Champ howl and then cower. Still, the little stinkers had me laughing.

Taylor had her last soccer game. Her team finished 8-2. Not bad! She had so much fun and can't wait until next season. I'm going to post a few pictures of Taylor and her teammates that y'all might not care about, but I want to have them up here in case the Worm wants them someday.

She looks so tall anymore. I think she just hit another growth spurt!

All smiles before the game.

She got the cutest little trophy.

Hanging out with the other girls on her team - Hope and Aidan.


Taylor and her buddy, Aidan. It was a co-ed league, but I think Aidan might have been the leading goal scorer overall. She's good!

Taylor and her little buddy, Hope. Hope grandma is our neighbor.

My parents came over after the game and treated us to pizza and a delicious Ohio State cake (that will be the only reference to Ohio State in this blog entry. :( My poor Buckeyes.) I love when they come up to visit! I was showered with cards, gifts and love. I was feelin' it for sure!

How cute is that?

The whole happy family.

Michael digging in.


Every time I see a picture of the two of us, I realize how much we look alike.

MY Mommy.

MY Daddy. I wouldn't take the picture until he smiled.

Now I have to catch up on all of the stuff I passed on yesterday because it was my birthday. :) Grocery store, here I come.

Until next time,

Mommy Kel

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Did You Say Hay Ride or Sleigh Ride?

Taylor's school trip to the pumpkin farm was yesterday. I don't know about you, but when I think of pumpkin patch trips, I think of frollicking in the bright fall sun - crisp hay, a light sweater, happy sun-kissed cheeks. Wednesday's trip? Let's just say Mother Nature didn't get my memo.

The day of the pay-ahead-of-time, we-only-cancel-after-you-get-here-and-if-it's-absolutely-pouring field trip was just nasty out. We're talking 40 degrees and raining. Have you ever tried to dress kids for an outdoor event when it's 40 degrees and raining? I was thinking, "Heck, just go ahead and snow. I know how to dress for snow." We layered, slickered, packed and headed out.

Thankfully, the rain pretty much stopped and we actually had a pretty good time. The 20-minute hay ride to the pumpkin patch was a big hit, as were the friendly llamas and playground. I'm glad we braved the elements! My camera battery died after the hay ride, but I did get these cute shots. It was way colder than it looks!

Loaded up and ready for the hayride.

Smiling Worm, disinterested Pear. He screamed every time I put his hat on, so he was probably cold.

Taylor and the perfect pumpkin. I love how Michael is puttering around in the background.

Taylor helping Michael with his selection.

He is so dang cute, even when he's way past naptime and being a little grumpy.

I think it's supposed to stay cold here for the next few days. They're calling for snow flurries during Taylor's soccer game Saturday. Niiiice. How's the weather where you are?
Until next time,
Mommy Kel

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Unattended Pear + Markers = Bad News

Taylor has always amazed me with her creativity and art abilities. I guess the Pear wants to follow in her footsteps. Check out the stinker's latest masterpiece, all completed in the three minutes that I wasn't hovering over him.

Oy! He's showing me his drawing. He was upset so it was hard to decipher, but I did hear "Elmo" several times...
This doesn't even begin to tell the story. His palms (and everything he touched) were completely black.
Not sure why he's so ticked - because I took his markers away or because I made him pose with his creations?
Thankfully, they were washable markers and I (with the help of the Worm) got everything cleaned up pretty easily. Gah - what did our parents used to do??
Until next time,
Mommy Kel

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Elmo LIVE!

What is it about Elmo that makes little kids just go ga-ga?The red fur? The sing-songy voice? Seriously, every kid under 3 I know loves Elmo, including the Pear. That's why we decided to take him to Elmo Live as an early birthday present (I know, I know TWO months early, but the kid's birthday is nine days before Christmas and you kind of get sick of all of the toys.)

Taylor got to come along, too, and our neighbors brought their little guy, Ben. Since the show was on a college football Saturday, Mike and Jason (Ben's dad) threatened to wear "I tailgated at Elmo Live" shirts. Thankfully, they refrained.

The show was quite impressive. Giant foofy, dancing characters, a gazillion lights, loud music, showers of confetti - what kid (or adult) wouldn't love it? The Worm and the Pear were mesmerized by the entire show. No whining, no crying and no taking their eyes off the stage. They had soooo much fun!

The man of the hour. It was so funny hearing all of the little voices screaming, "ELMO!!!!"

Taylor's favorite is Cookie Monster (because, you know, Elmo is "too baby"). We had great seats - four rows up and right in front of the stage. They were actually better than the pricier floor seats.

His reactions were just too much. I had to crane my arm around to get this picture because there was no way he was going to divert his eyes from ELMO.

I'd say she was pleased.

Our gang.

The whole W-side Drive gang.

Are you wondering about the stray kitty from my last post? I'm happy to say that we've found her a very suitable home! My mom (who has an even softer spot for animals than me AND she likes cats) took her in. I have to say, I was a little sad to see her go. I'm glad we'll still get reports on how she's doing.
"Princess" (can we guess who gave her that name?) already looks at home in Grandma's arms.

The Pear being silly at G-ma's.

Here are a few other random pictures from this weekend:

Taylor had school pictures on Friday. Don't you love this little outfit? Of course, it was absolutely pouring outside, but I think I got her in pretty much unscathed.

The Pear's new obsession - puzzles. Just like his big sis!

Until next time,
Mommy Kel
P.S. Oh yeah, the Worm had two goals in her soccer scrimmage Saturday. They played the best team in the league and she was the only one on her team to put it in the net. Just a little brag!