Taylor has gained a new confidence this summer that I'm so impressed with! She's riding her bike like a pro, swimming without clinging to one of us and even tries the monkey bars sometimes now. I'm spoiled by the fact that she's always been very cautious. I never had to worry about her falling off her playset or putting herself into too much danger. She never climbed on the coffee table, jumped off furniture or darted into the street. Yeah, the Worm has always been super-easy in that regard. I think things might be changing a little! She yelled for me the other day and I found her dangling from her monkey bars, about four feet from the ground. She likes to ride her bike over sewer covers now because she wrecked one day doing it. My chicken has flown the coop!

Michael has discovered a new love for the camera. He's quite the little charmer and will smile anytime I pick the camera up now. What a little cutie. He loves peek-a-boo and giggles so loud when we play. I've been teaching him how to point and now when he wakes up from his naps, we walk around his room pointing at the animals on his wall. "Michael, where's hippo?" He'll move his eyes to the right picture and stick his little index finger out. It's darling.
He's cute and he knows it.
He stills hates being on his tummy, so I think crawling might be another month or so away. He wants to be mobile though, so we broke down and bought him a walker. (I know, bad Mommy!) It's so fun watching him cruise around. He's got a little bit of Mommy separation anxiety going on right now, so he's taken to following me around in the walker, whining and holding his arms up. Not exactly what I had in mind, but this little cutie is hard to resist.
This is fun!
The Pear is recovering from a case of Strep Butt. Yes, you read that right. I took him to the doctor on Saturday because of a nasty diaper rash that I couldn't get rid of. Dr. Dooley took one look at his bottom and wanted to test him for strep. It was positive. Poor guy! I guess the same strep virus that affects adults' throats can show up on a baby's booty. He's on amoxicillan now and on the mend.
Here are some recent pictures of the kids. Enjoy! I'll update again soon, I promise!
Got your nose!
Taylor took this picture of Champy. Not bad!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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