Mike's birthday was last Friday - one year from the big 4-0! I don't think he looks much different than he did when we met nine years ago. We celebrated with my special chicken lasagna and chocolate chip cookies. The kids gave him cards and our special present for the bar - a Steelers rug. Mike has pretty much taken up every inch of basement wall space with sports pictures, jerseys, banners, etc., so we're attacking the floor now.

Daddy and his little Princess.
Mama and her Michael Man
My mom's birthday was Monday. Happy 60th Birthday Grandma T! She also looks great, even better than she did 10 years ago. Our kids are lucky in that people seem to age well on both sides of our families.
Michael has started pulling up more and more and that led to a little accident on Saturday. He and Taylor were playing in the kiddie pool and he reached over and grabbed the side of the pool. Before I could react, he pulled himself up to standing then did a nose dive right onto the deck. Poor guy! He has a nice goose egg on his head for a few days. He's getting closer to crawling. He'll rotate on his butt to get to things and reaches out to a crawling stance from sitting. He's almost able to get back to a sitting position from his belly, but isn't quite there yet. The teeth just keep coming in! He's on numbers 5 and 6 now (teeth on each side of the top front) and is not real happy about it. When he was on tooth #1 back in June, I joked that we'd only have to go through that "fun" teething thing 19 more times. Well, these teeth seem to be hurting as much as the first. He's a wonderful sleeper, but I hear him moan in his sleep a few times each night. Poor little guy. Overall, he's still been our little charmer.
Taylor is getting ready for another year of preschool. She starts on Thursday and I get to spend that first day with her. She's excited! There's at least one kid she knows in her class (and the bonus is that I really like his mom) and her new teacher seems great. She's getting really good at writing letters, can spell a few words and has taken a real interest in reading. I'm so blessed that she likes these things and I don't have to force it on her! She has several friends on our street and is really turning into a little girl (sniff, sniff).Taylor with her neighbor friend and baby bro.
Michael now has a little buddy! Congrats to our beloved neighbors, Jason and Michelle, who welcomed little Benjamin Anthony on August 23. He's adorable just like his mom and dad and has a headful of curly black hair. Taylor was so cute with him and Michael looked absolutely huge next to him. It really is hard to believe that either of my kids were ever that small.Hi, my new little buddy!
Michelle and Ben.
My best friend Lauri also had a baby boy this summer. Yay for cutie-pie Anthony Scott, born on June 21st! He's a good-lookin' product of two good-lookin' people. I didn't write about him when he was born just to be sure that Lauri let y'all know before anybody read it in my blog. (Oh, that would suck!) I'm sure he's an awesome little dude, just like his mama. I can't wait to meet him in person. Anthony (Tbone) Scott, born June 21st
I really do need to get back to work now. Hope everyone is doing well! A small request: click on the comments at the end of the post and let me know who is reading. You don't have to register; just write a comment and sign your name at the end and post as anonymous. We'd love to know who is checking us out!
Have a great weekend!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
Kel - I love reading your updates! You are a wonderful mom!!
Miss you,
Carla :)
Kel - great blog/great updates, you sure do have some cutie pies. Big Day tomorrow, make sure the kids rest up and are in uniform before noon. In case you don't have DirectTV, TimeWarner is carring the Big Ten Network on channel 60 tomorrow.
Hi Kellie!
Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. I agree...it is always nice to know who's checking in. It's also great reading about other families that have a baby (or babies!) around the same age. I haven't posted it yet, but we FINALLY have our 1st tooth and more on the way! It kinda sucks are our house right now. We also have 2 crawling and the other 2 rolling wherever they wanna go. Crazy!
Your kiddos are beautiful!
Love from KS,
We're still checking up on The Worm and The Pear!
I'm loving Taylor's new 'do!
Checking you out from West Point Indiana Go Steelers!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Carla - we'll get together someday, haha. I was looking at wedding pictures the other day and I have the cutest shot of Ashley sitting in the pew. She was about Michael's age then. Wow, it really has been a long time!
Schucky - You're going to have to get out the boxing gloves when your three little beauties hit their teenage years. :) Go Bucks!
Moni - Four mobile, teething nine-month-old babies and you still took the time to post. I'm honored. :)
Amanda - Taylor's hair is flat and straight like mine. The bob is sooo much easier! I still check out your blog(s), too. I'll be watching out for your Illini this year.
Chase - Go Steelers! After seven years, Mike has finally converted me.
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