Going to an amusement park is definitely different with kids. It's nothing about you and all about them. There are no more rides on the Beast, Vortex or even the Racer. Still, there's something priceless about seeing your kids smiling, laughing and having the times of their lives. It's kind of a second-hand happiness, something only a parent could really understand. Taylor had a blast and Michael hung in there like a champ.

...and his baby boy!
We started our day in the Nickelodeon kids' park, which Taylor LOVED! Michael even got to go on a couple of rides, including the Scooby Doo adventure and Lazytown helicopters. He was mildly impressed. Taylor even got to meet one of her favorite characters - Scooby Doo. Most of the kids just shook his paw. Not Taylor. She's charged him and clung on with the biggest hug. Too cute.

While I fed Michael and got him down for a quick catnap in the stroller, Mike tricked Taylor into going on the log flume water ride. Even with her newfound braveness, there's no way she would have voluntarily ridden it! I stood at the bottom of the big drop and saw Taylor's expression go from panic, to tears. Of course, Mike put the poor kid in the front seat so she was drenched! I changed her into a dry shirt and she ended up being pretty proud of herself for riding it. She and I hit the Scrambler later and a few other small rides before we'd had enough and decided to head home.

Both kids were wiped out and slept most of the way home. I'd say fun was had by all!

Until next time,
Mommy Kel
1 comment:
How fun! Did you take off work? Taylor has such a big heart...I need a Taylor hug.
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