Monday, July 21, 2008

The Macker

Sunday marked six years of wedded bliss for Mike and I. In all seriousness, it's been a wonderful ride and I can only image all of the great times our family will have in the future. Mike is a good person - he'll help out anyone without asking for anything in return. I love to watch how he operates. I've never seen him look uncomfortable in a social or work situation. His confidence is amazing and I hope our kids inherit that trait from him. He challenges me and doesn't just tell me what I want to hear. I feel like I'm always growing as a person because of him. Oh yeah, he can be pretty sweet, too.

We met at a 3-on-3 basketball tournament eight years ago, so I guess it's not too surprising that I spent our sixth anniversary watching him play in the Muncie Gus Macker. Just like the day I met him, his team won the top division. You have got to give these guys credit. Most of their competition is in their 20s. Mike is 37, Doc is 42, Greg is 38 and James is the "baby" at 31. These guys have been playing together for years (along with a few others) and really know the game. I love the frustrated, "WTF?" expressions their opponents have as they're getting their arses handed to them. The old days involved lots of late-night, pregame drinking and other debauchery. Now, they have 10 kids between them (8 of them girls). Yesterday, I overheard them talking about things like chiropracters, sports/muscle creams and kids. I spotted Greg sporting Taylor's pink sunglasses and Doc talking to her about Dora the Explorer. Too cute.

Congrats to the Bulldogs!

The game-winning play.

The kids were so good!

When your dad is a basketball player/coach, you get to snuggle up with Gatorade towels.

I want to share a couple of pictures from Saturday, too. The kids and I hung out with Grandma, went swimming, then went up with Grandpa for dinner. It was fun!

I was so proud of Taylor for swimming without holding onto an adult! She was like a little fish and even jumped off the side!

Taylor and Grandma at dinner.

Pops and I.

I love this picture.

This one too!

Michael showing off.

Until next time,

Mommy Kel

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