**Let me start by saying that I can be a neurotic freak sometimes, so you won't see any last names ever listed in my blog. We have a very uncommon last name and it's my way of keeping Internet wackos from ever finding us.**
The big family reunion was on Saturday - Mike's dad's side. I'm from a pretty small family, so I've always marveled at the number of aunts, uncles and cousins running around. The Ns are an awesome family and I love being around them. I've been looking forward to this reunion for awhile!
Taylor and Michael, all ready for the fun.The kids - and my big kid, Mike - got a pretty good water battle going. He's tormented his younger cousins for years so he gets no help from me when they gang up on him. He kept the super soaker by his side most of the day "as protection". Taylor had a blast playing in the water, but she was paranoid that she was going to get wet. She spent her day running around with cousins and aunts, dancing and playing at the playground. Taylor was the youngest cousin before Michael came along, so everyone was happy to have a baby to pass around again. He did great with it and just went with the flow. I give props to Ginny for getting him to sleep at the end of the night. We have no problem getting the kid to sleep in his crib, but he does not like being rocked, held, soothed to sleep. I'm usually the only one that can get him down when we are out in public like that, but Ginny worked her magic on him.
Taylor at the playground.

Brittany, Gracie, Stephanie, Emily and Michael. The girls were so sweet to their newest little cousin. I enjoyed hanging out with them later on the hill!
Ginny and Michael. He fought the sleep here, but she worked her magic on him later.
Matt R., Cassidy, Matt N. and Taylor playing with water balloons.
Taylor and Daddy dancing.
Michael and I dancing. I think he's showing off the handful of hair he just ripped out of my head.
Michael, hanging out with Uncle Danny.
Taylor and Aunt Linda
There were games, of course, and games and the N family usually result in some good trash talking and competition. Defeat is not taken lightly (oddly enough, all of the N spouses seem to have this trait as well). We had a water balloon toss, egg toss, horseshoes and a game I'd never seen before - ladder golf, aka redneck golf. Here's a wikipedia entry about it. (I'd be remissed if I didn't point out the guy in the Ohio State jersey in the photo on the wiki page. I'm sure those Longhorns weren't so happy after we went down there and kicked their arses that year.)
Steve, Mike, Kayla and Matt. Steve was telling his opponent, "Nice throw." Yeah, right.
We lasted almost eight hours, pretty impressive when you consider we had the kiddos with us. I'm already looking forward to next year!
Michael getting some love from Daddy and Aunt Nancy.
Noreen, Taylor and Ellie
Michael getting some love from Aunt Amy, Aunt Diane and Stephanie.
Taylor and her awesome Aunt Katy.
Maureen, Ellie, Lauren and Emily
Rich and Bryony
Part of the gang.
Squeeze in a few more!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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