Well sweetie, I can't believe my baby girl is turning 4. In some ways, it feels like you've always been a part of us, in other ways it seems like you should still be your brother's age. You light up my life, little girl. I'm amazed sometimes at how smart you are and your sense of humor is priceless. You make me so proud. Your kind nature, cute little smile and bubbly personality win over everyone you meet. It's no wonder you come home from walks through the neighborhood, trips to the grocery store and your brother's doctor appointments with gifts from total strangers.
In the past year, I've watched you go from dependent toddler to a strong-willed and blossoming little girl. I feel like I've gained another friend in my life! Thanks for being you. Your Mommy loves you with all her heart!
Taylor Facts:
* Born July 4, 2004
* Birth stats: 19 1/2" long, 7 lbs., 5 oz.
* Favorite color is pink, which is evident by her pink bedroom walls, pink bedding, almost entirely pink wardrobe...
* Favorite foods are carrots, cucumbers, apples, grapes, Oreos, Dora soup and ice cream
* Favorite songs (in order): "Get Rhythm" by Johnny Cash, "Renegade" by Stix and "Shambala" by Three Dog Night
* Other likes: dressing up like a princess, accessories, her dog, Champ, baby brother, Michael, hanging out at the park with Mommy, shooting hoops with Daddy, grandparents, playing with her friends in the backyard, T-ball, coloring
* Dislikes: being hot ("I'm all sweaaaatttty"), not getting attention, a long list of food
* Nicknames: The Worm, Stinker Butt

My baby girl.
8 months old
After a dip in the pool with Daddy.
1st birthday
2nd birthday
3rd birthday
Gotta love that smile.
Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize...
...even while playing T-ball.
I love you, Taylor!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
Aw, happy birthday, Taylor! Your mommy wrote some nice things about how lucky she is to have you, so I need to add in how lucky you are to have her! I have no doubt that you are the smart, sweet & fun-loving girl you are b/c of your mommy. She taught me lots just as my friend, so I can only imagine how much you've been able to learn from her as your mommy!!! Happy birthday! Can't wait to see you again!
Happy 4th birthday, Taylor! It's been so fun watching you grow up. Hope all your birthday wishes come true.
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