Friday, July 11, 2008

My Little Comedian

Taylor is funny. Sometimes she tries to be funny, but most of the time, she makes me laugh without even trying.

I talked to her this morning (I'm at work - where I do 99% of my posting) and she and Mike are watching Revenge of the Sith. She told me that Anakin got "fired" and became Darth Vader. I cracked up.

The other day we were playing with her new Polly Pockets dolphin playset. She learned on Go Diego Go that dolphins eat crabs. She was pretending that one dolpin was eating, then had it "swim" over to its friend. I asked what she was doing. "Oh," she replied. "Pink dolphin just gave blue dolphin crabs." She couldn't figure out why I was laughing.

She loves to make up words. A screwdriver is a "screwer". "Daddy needs to get the screwer and fix my swingset." A gun is a "shooter thing". Something that happened in the past happened "lastertime". "I got candy out of the machine now, but lastertime it was empty."

The first line of the Ohio State fight song is "Drive, drive on down the field, men of the scarlet and gray." I hold her and we run through the house singing this. She refers to me as the driver and I'm pretty sure she thinks it has something to do with a car.

As she would say, she "cracks me out."


Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God. I thought the Anakin thing was funny, but you didn't tell me about blue dolphin getting crabs! Ah the Beekman's legacy lives on...Taylor just got 'logged'. I love you, Taylor. You crack me out too.

KelNosz said...

I knew from the get-go that pink dolphin was a floozy. She's all covered in glitter...

Anonymous said...

Hahahhah that is great as you know carson is babysitting his preschools teacher hermit crabs for the summer, he came running home screaming MOMMY mrs Baker gave me crabs for the summer!
