Our kids are at fun ages now and can play with their cousins and second cousins without my constant supervision. Taylor fit right in with her older cousins and, as usual, everyone swooned over the Pear. He has that effect on people.

Front: Sophia (Mike's stepmom), Taylor, Kayla (Mike's sister's daughter), Mike's mom Marilyn; Second Row: Mike's sister Bryony, Mike's cousin Brittany, Mike's sister Katy; Back Row: yours truly, Mike, Michael, Mike's dad Stan, Mike's brother Pat

Taylor and Kayla with their Aunt Katy. Kayla is a black belt and just came from a martial arts event.

My kids are such show offs. They danced for everyone to Johnny Cash and Three Dog Night.

This picture makes me laugh. That's Mike, his brother and dad singing along and clapping to one of the songs the kids were dancing to. They all have the same expression!

No reunion is complete without the annual egg toss. Mike and I made it to the final four or so, but I totally choked and dropped the egg. It was bad and my athletic prowess was questioned! I did manage to keep all goo off my clothes and body.

Aunt Diane concentrating. Notice how athletic all of Mike's relative look? Good genes!

Chip off the ol' block.

Aunt Bryony giving Michael some tips. A few more years and the Worm and Pear can team up!
Taylor enjoyed playing whiffle ball with the bigger kids. They were very good with her!

Cousin Matt R. pitching to the Worm.

This is Emily, Matt's little sister. She's a really good softball player and Taylor just adored hanging out with her this time. She has talked about her non-stop since then.

Mike's childhood friend Walt stopped by. They still sit together at Steelers games, but I hardly ever get to see him. It was great catching up!

Cousin Grace, Taylor, cousin Brittany.

The Pear found a ball or two to play with.

Aunt Linda, Mike and Michael

Michael didn't get a nap and was starting to tire down a little here. He got his second wind about three minutes later.

Ready for a water battle.


Our annual end-of-the-night photo with those who were still around. Front: Matt, Kayla; Second Row: Grace cheesy me, Aunt Nancy, Aunt Linda, Taylor, Emily, Aunt Bryony, Aunt Diane; Third Row: Aunt Ginnie, Aunt Katy, Michael, Mike, Aunt Amy, Brittany, Uncle Pat
The kids crashed that night when we got back to the hotel and slept until it was time to get up Sunday morning and head to our next adventure.
Up next - Trip to Erik's
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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