First off, Happy Birthday to my wonderful hubby! His birthday was yesterday and low key. I made French toast for breakfast, cut the grass and weed whacked so he wouldn't have to and make his favorite dinner of lasagna and salad for dinner. Mike doesn't like cake, so I made the usual chocolate chip cookies. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, right?

Mike got to celebrate his birthday by going back to school today. Lucky him. Taylor doesn't start until Thursday and I'm off the next two days so we are going to do lots of fun stuff before then. I'm going to miss having her around during the day! She's so ready for school though. She and Michael spent the day at their babysitter's house and were nothing but smiles and full of stories when I got home from work.
We took our annual trip to Kings Island last week. Michael is now big enough to ride everything in the kid part and even some of the adult rides like the Scrambler. Taylor is not a huge daredevil when it comes to rides so she's fine hanging out in kid land most of the day. We did get them on the pretty big log ride. Michael loved it; Taylor, not so much.

The Pear got denied of the swings last year (and cried hysterically), but made the cut easily in 2010.

Big. Time. Just ask him.

I take a picture like this every year. She's growing up and one day before too long won't be into the hand holding thing. We'll enjoy it now while we can!

Until next time,
Mommy Kel
1 comment:
I love your shirt in the pic w/ Snoopy! And I can totally hear your froggy potty voice. :) Michael is so brave! I dont know if I could pay Tony to get on any of those rides!
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