The local swim club is right down the road from us, but we always passed on getting a membership. This year, we decided to splurge, and let me tell you, it was worth every penny! We were there almost every one of my days off, and Mike took the kids on the days I worked.

Take the picture so we can get in!

$.10 lolly pops at the pool. A favorite during adult swim.
The Worm went from clinging to my side in the shallow area to swimming the width of the pool in the deep end, without any help. She jumps right in without a worry from either of us. She kind of owned the pool, haha. Her last challenge is the diving board. As much as she wanted to do it, she never did. She still has a week before the pool closes for the year!

Look out below!

The Pear is absolutely fearless when it comes to the water. He just throws himself off the edge, thinks it's hilarious when Mike throws him (they call it water bomb) and thinks it's fun to go underwater. He's not quite tall enough to touch in the shallow end yet, but I think he might be there by next summer. Funny how the kid HATED baths and would just scream and scream for the first 15 months of his life and is just a real fish in the pool.

One last picture that has nothing to do with this post. :) Taylor needed a picture of the family for her class, so we set up this self-timer shot Saturday night after church. It's a little blurry, but it actually has us all in it, even Champ!

Until next time,
Mommy Kel
1 comment:
Love Michael's swim trunks & the picture of Taylor jumping into the pool!!!
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