Friday, January 9, 2009

Top 10 Signs of a Good Basketball Coach's Wife

10. You shovel snow because your husband is never home in the winter to do it.

9. You know that zone defense is soft.

8. You spend date night keeping a shot chart.

7. You know what "rat tail", "flex" and "hedging a screen" mean.

6. You've put together a meal of popcorn, soft pretzel and Blow Pop.

5. You have a new appreciation for the band and dance team because they keep your kids entertained during the game.

4. You look more nervous at the end of a close game than anyone on the bench.

3. You can detail at least one of your husband's team's out of bounds plays.

2. You watch game tape immediately after getting home from said game (and enjoy it).

1. You're around teenage boys more than teenage girls.

1 comment:

Tony & Nick said...

#11: Your name is Kellie!!!