I love these little rugrats so much. They make me laugh harder than anything, those good belly laughs that cause the little tears to form in the corner of my eyes. We were watching Sesame Street this weekend and a Cookie Monster skit came on. They both think CM is hilarious, probably because I do a pretty mean impression. CM was trying to resist eating the cookie letter of the day, but finally broke down and attacked it. Now, anytime I reenact it, the kids go nuts. Serious belly laughs all around.
Taylor comes up with some doozies and she knows how to push my buttons (good buttons and bad buttons). Her favorite words lately are "amazing" and "unbelievable." She's such a little drama hound anyway that the words seem so natural coming out of her mouth. Sometimes we'll be watching animal planet and a small animal will get mauled or something and she ALWAYS wants to see it again. Same goes for her little shows where someone is crying, etc. It cracks me up. She's also quite the competitor. We talked Mike into playing her lady bug game yesterday and he did some stupid victory dance after he beat us (she was not amused). Later, just she and I were playing and she beat me. Without missing a beat, she jumped up, waved Mike's crusty terrible towels, did a victory dance and posed with the giant basketball trophy that is currently residing in our house. Good times.
Michael has his own little quirky things that make me laugh. He likes to have little stuff in his hands and it's usually something off the wall. First it was the twin babies from Taylor's dollhouse, then the little fairies from her Sleeping Beauty doll. Lately, he's been carrying around the toilet from the dollhouse, holding it by the attached toilet brush. It makes me laugh everytime. He also has a giant teddy bear that he just loves. When he sees it he squeals, then approaches it with an open-mouth "mmmmm". That's his way of giving kisses.
Both of them like for me to do a whacked-out version of Rock-a-Bye Baby where I rock them like crazy then "drop" them at the end. As soon as I finish with one, the other is on my lap. It kills my back, but it's worth it.
Of course, it's not all sunshine and roses. Like any mom, there are times I feel absolutely spent. I actually got a little emotional the other day when I had just finished feeding the two of the them and had finally sat down with something to eat. Michael was screaming to get out of his high chair (then screamed at my feet to pick him up) and Taylor was whining because she had a runny nose. My super-smart 4-year-old can't figure out how to blow her nose so I had to find the snot sucker and deal with that (while holding Michael) when all I wanted to do was eat. Of course, these times are far outweighed by the good and probably make the good seem even better. Nobody said parenting was easy. Eh, it's worth it. :)
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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