The title says it all. The Pear has finally decided that he'd stop moving around like Champ and start moving around like the rest of us. He's funny. It's only been a few days since he took his first steps and now he's walking all over the place. He was the same way with crawling. Being a proud mom, I'll say it's not later physical development; it's the kid using his brain. He gets it all figured out so that he's not face-planting every step. Sorry the video is so dark. Yes, I was bribing him.
Taylor is so proud of her little brother and encourages him all of the time. It's really cute how much she loves the Pear (and the Pear loves her)! They drive each other nuts sometimes, but they are definitely buds now.
"I've got your back, Michael." And no, he won't be wearing his jeans like that when he's older. Like the rest of us, he has no butt and his pants slide down.
He would not sit still so I could take a picture. And holy cow, when did Taylor start looking so grown up??
Goofballs. I'm such a good mom that I took a picture instead of making them get down. Please disregard the mess on Michael's face. We had just finished dinner and there was enough food left on there to feed a small African village.
Taylor is such a good little artist. She's coloring this picture for a contest at the bank. Side note: Look how long the Worm's fingers are! Maybe she'll be able to palm a basketball like Mommy. :)I need to get some sleep. Have a good one!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
1 comment: THAT'S the evidence! Congrats, Mike! Watch out now, Kel!!!
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