Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Champy!

Well Buddy, you were my first crack at caring for another living thing. I can hardly believe it's been six years since you made your appearance at Shannon's Valley dog farm! You've been a great friend and I want to thank you for that. You don't have a mean bone in your expansive body (unless someone tried to hurt one of "your" kids, I imagine). I remember how excited we were when Marilyn (Grandma N) and Rich told us they were giving you to us for one of our wedding gifts. You've been the best dog ever since! Yeah, you shed a lot and you're a little over-passionate about food, but you are well worth it. I can't imagine taking walks without you, even when it'd probably be much easier leaving you at home at times (picture Michael in the Bjorn, Taylor in the stroller and Champ on the leash. That's an extra 146 pounds for me to deal with!). We love you Champy. Happy Birthday!

Champ Facts:
* Born June 21st, 2002
* Full name is Shannon's Champagne
* Dad Beauregard was a Westminster Best of Breed. Mom is a black lab named "Bed of Roses" or Rose
* Only brown-eyed member of our family
* Loves walks, food, his Grandparents, Taylor and Michael, other dogs, scratchies and licking up Michael's projectile spit up (disgusting I know, but sometimes he's just too quick and beats me to it)
* Been the butt of hundreds of fat jokes. He walks 1-2 miles every night, plays in the yard and eats only low-fat dog food. I have no idea why he's such a moose.

Taylor took your place as the baby, but you still adore her. You've never lost patience with her and I know she's loved growing up with you.

Michael lights up and squeals when he sees you. Sometimes, the only way I can get him to practice tummy time is to have you lay just out of his reach. Don't worry, it won't be long before he stops pulling your fur and starts petting it.

You are so strange sometimes.

Until next time,
Mommy Kel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A belated happy birthday, Champy! I remember meeting you for the first time at Ohio appropriate spot. The last photo of you is priceless. Hope you had a great day!