Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Father's Day 2008

June 15: Since Mike and I are both sun lovers, we decided to take the kids out on Cowan Lake. We packed up the exersaucer, some snacks, a bottle and diapers and headed out. (Remember the days when leaving the house meant Mike and I waking up 15 minutes before we left empty-handed out the door?) The weather was perfect – about 80 degrees, sunny and no humidity. Taylor loves going out on the boat, but it was Michael’s first adventure. He loves being outside, so we weren’t too worried.

What a fun day! Michael just squealed and played and Taylor was thrilled to get a chance to drive the boat. (Now I know what I have in store for me in 12 years. I was a little scared when I saw her careening towards another pontoon boat.) Mike had a nice time relaxing in the sun and I even managed to relax a little.

Daddy, bear hugging his kids.

Proud Mommy. Poor Taylor had to keep cheesing while we tried to get Michael to look at the camera.

Taylor has already adopted my crappy driving habits. Eating, drinking, eyes off the road/water and one hand.

What a little cutie!

Nic pecs!

You too, Michael!

After baths to wash off sunscreen and splashes of yucky fishy water, the kids went down for naps. Afterwards, we headed to Grampa Taylor’s house. It was good to see Pops, Aunt Angie and Aunt Kim. It’s funny because I never lived in that house (except for free-loading for about three weeks before my wedding), but I feel like it’s home-away-from-home. We ate pizza, hung out in the yard and checked out the cicadas. Michael was unfazed by the buzzing bugs, but Taylor wanted no part of them. We did have fun putting them on poor Lanie Bear.

One cool thing to note: We saw a baby deer in the neighbor’s yard. Apparently, a family of deer frequently visits my dad’s suburb. Taylor quickly proclaimed, “I wish WE had a baby kangaroo in our yard.” Funny little girl.

I had to include this picture because Michael has only taken two or three baths where he didn't scream his head off. He was apprehensive, but did great.

Hanging out with Grandpa.

Until next time,
Mommy Kel

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