I’ll start with Taylor. The Worm is 41” tall (75th percentile) and 36 pounds (50th percentile). I was so impressed with how well she did at the appointment. She seems to be WAY over any shyness she had as a toddler and loved having all the attention of Dr. Dooley and the nurses on her. She counted, said her ABCs, rolled off colors, talked about school, mealtime, her brother, etc. It’s funny how moms always obsess over how much or how little their babies talk. Taylor is never quiet now! I read somewhere that the typical 4-year-old should be able to say 6-word sentences. I laughed out loud at that. Funniest moment of the physical was when Dr. Dooley said, “Taylor, stand on one foot.” Taylor promptly walked over to stand on one of Dr. Dooley’s feet. Ha, I guess nobody clarified whose foot to stand on.

The Pear continues to live up to his nickname. He weighed in at 19 lbs. 8 oz. (75th percentile) and 28” (95th percentile). The kid likes to eat and protests immediately after polishing off a 9-ounce bottle. He must have his dad’s metabolism. Mike eats insane amounts of food, like the two pieces of homemade pizza that were SUPPOSED to be my lunch today. (Sorry, still bitter.) They were sucked down sometime between my going to bed (11 p.m.) and leaving for work (6 a.m.). Alright, back to The Pear. Michael also has a huge noggin, but we really didn’t need a tape measurer to tell us that. He’s falling right in line with the rest of the Taylor clan. My head is huge, as is Taylor’s, Grandma T’s, Uncle Chris’s and the list goes on. Dr. Dooley was impressed with how strong he is, so I was relieved. I was worried that he’s only been sitting by himself for a few minutes at a time, but she said that it’s great for a baby in this “back-to-sleep” age. He’s gotten quite good at rolling from back to belly, but usually gets ticked pretty quickly after that. I try to encourage him to play on his tummy, but there’s only so much blood-curdling screaming a person can handle. It’s amazing how pissed off a 6-month-old baby can get. He’s so happy a lot of the time – smiling, laughing, etc., but man, look out if something is amiss! Poor guy had to get four shots, but did really well afterwards. We took about a 2-mile walk last night and I barely heard a peep from the stroller.

Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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