Getting ready for Christmas this year was a lot of fun because the kids are at perfect ages to really soak it all in. We watched all of the Christmas shows, decorated together, drove around looking at Christmas lights, visited the nearby manger scene, etc., etc. Taylor didn't get out of school until December 22, but I still felt like we had time for lots of the fun stuff this year.
Michael and I visited Taylor's school on the last day for her "Writer's Celebration." Taylor loves to write and comes up with a new story, journal entry, play or something every day. It warms this writer's heart to see my little girl have the same love for writing.
One of Taylor's buddies.
That's Noah, one of Taylor's besties. They've gone to the same babysitter since they were babies and are now in the same class! Michael thinks Noah is pretty cool, too. :) The woman on the far left is Taylor's teacher, Mrs. Walker. She is wonderful!
Funny self portrait of the Pear and I. I'm wearing my cheesy snowflake sweater. I've had it for eight years and wear it at least once every Christmas season (usually to Taylor's school but kids seem to like it).
Taylor is a big fan of the show Cake Boss, so I thought it would be fun to decorate a gingerbread house this year instead of making cookies. Taylor told me it was "one of the funnest things she's every done." Michael showed zero interest (other than eating the candy). He is like his dad and not at all into crafty stuff. He'll sometimes paint or color, but always ends up turning the crayons into football players and staging a game.

I put on most of the icing, but Taylor did the decorating. Impressive!

Our plan on Christmas Eve was to go to mass then have my mom over for dinner and gifts. As we all know, things don't always go as planned. My mom ended up in the hospital with pneumonia! She is home and doing great now, but the poor thing had to be there over Christmas. I loaded up a few gifts, some semi-warm lasagna, salad and a pretty Christmas plate and glass and we celebrated Christmas Eve with her in the hospital. My brother and his four kids were there too. It was pretty insane, but I think everyone had a great time.
Cuties before mass.
Merry Christmas, Grandma! We love you!
Michael and I visited Taylor's school on the last day for her "Writer's Celebration." Taylor loves to write and comes up with a new story, journal entry, play or something every day. It warms this writer's heart to see my little girl have the same love for writing.
Taylor is a big fan of the show Cake Boss, so I thought it would be fun to decorate a gingerbread house this year instead of making cookies. Taylor told me it was "one of the funnest things she's every done." Michael showed zero interest (other than eating the candy). He is like his dad and not at all into crafty stuff. He'll sometimes paint or color, but always ends up turning the crayons into football players and staging a game.
Our plan on Christmas Eve was to go to mass then have my mom over for dinner and gifts. As we all know, things don't always go as planned. My mom ended up in the hospital with pneumonia! She is home and doing great now, but the poor thing had to be there over Christmas. I loaded up a few gifts, some semi-warm lasagna, salad and a pretty Christmas plate and glass and we celebrated Christmas Eve with her in the hospital. My brother and his four kids were there too. It was pretty insane, but I think everyone had a great time.
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