Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Card Photo Out-takes

Last year, I pulled one of the smartest moves in my 30+ years and used a previously taken professional photo of the kids on our Christmas cards. I guess a year off from trying to stage a good shot allowed me to forget the pain and suffering involved when trying to get two young children to cooperate for a picture. They were two years older now, so it couldn't be that bad, right?


I love the picture we ended up with, but it wasn't easy getting there. Michael, ohhhhh Michael. Fidgeting, funny faces Michael. Taylor had her whiny moments, too, but usually turned on the smile, albeit fake in many pictures, at crunch time. I gave up after about 30 shots (as in pictures, not alcohol, which could have made it all a little less painful). The winning picture came many hours later after the kids took mercy on me.

I now present you with a small fraction of the out-takes:

My personal favorite.

Self-timer snafu. The attempt at a family shot lasted three frames before Mike - who has less patience than either of the kids - said bag this.

And the winner is:

Merry Christmas!

Until next time,

Mommy Kel

1 comment:

Ellen Taylor said...

I personally wish you had used the "family" shot. Mike's face is hilarious! I love all of the pictures...they make great memories. Love All of you! Mom