Whoa - my little boy is 4! I've got to tell you, this kid is hilarious. His facial expressions and matter-of-fact statements keep me quite entertained these days. I love our mommy/Michael time together during the week. He's really growing up on me!

I haven't done Pear stats in a long time, but I think I will this year. Here goes:
Height: He hasn't been to the doctor yet, but I think he's around 42"
Weight: Total guess here, too. 36 pounds?
Clothing Size: 5T or 4/5 big boy
Favorite Food: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches - just like his mommy when she was growing up! As a matter of fact, we still both eat them every day for lunch. :)
Favorite Drink: Milk
Favorite Toy: He loves to play pretend football with anything and everything - his animals, magnets from the refrigerator, crayons, etc. He also loves to play with the marble set, Legos, trains and basketball
Favorite Movie: Chipmunks "Chipwrecked"
Michael had quite a birthday weekend. On Friday, we skipped Daddy's game (a thrilling win at the buzzer at Kings!) to see the new Chipwrecked movie on opening night. Both kids loved it!
Michael, of course, loves Alvin.
Michael and Taylor before he opened presents from us.
Michael saw this penguin toy on TV and kept telling me he wanted the "Penguin Hooof Thing". I had no idea what he was talking about. From his gestures, I could tell it was something that spit out balls, so I Googled "Penguin Ball Mouth Shooter" and found it! He was thrilled!
He'd shoot them and Taylor would try and catch them.
You can imagine how this turned out. He shot himself in the noggin several times, but the balls are just Nerf and don't hurt.
My BIG boy and I! (And Champ, of course, who never leaves my side.)
Saturday was the big party. He was on cloud nine seeing so many family and friends. We love getting together with the people we love to show this sweet guy how much he means to us!
Michael and buddy Ben playing football in the floor.
These three played football most of the time. Taylor is such a tomboy sometimes, haha!
My sisters Angie and Kim. I was so happy to see them!
Michael wanted a Dora and Boots cake this year!
Make a wish! Thanks to Michael's Godmother, Michelle, for helping him out!