Wow, what a busy weekend! I took off work Friday in hopes of getting some stuff done around the house and maybe relax a little. Yeah, right! My first task for Friday (after laundry and daily house cleaning stuff), was to make pumpkin cake balls for Taylor's Halloween party. My dear friend Lauri sent me a Bakerella Cake Pops book for my birthday and I've been itching to try some.
They turned out so cute, but whew, they are time consuming! The kids in Taylor's class, loved them.
Happy little jack-o-lanterns. The only thing I'll do differently is use a different type of edible marker for the faces. The one I used did not show up well on the orange chocolate coating.
Before cute packaging.
Anything that goes to school pretty much has to be individually wrapped. How cute are these?
Taylor and some of her little school friends. She has 24 kids in her class. IN-SANE! Her teacher runs a tight ship though. (And for the record, I'm all for that!)
More sugar, please.
Friday night, we drove to a kind-of nearby college to watch one of Mike's former players scrimmage a kind-of local school. Jordan is a freshman at Ashland University and is already making his mark on the court!

Rare pictures of my children at a basketball game.
We were up bright and early - scratch that - DARK and way early for Taylor's first district soccer game. When we got to the field, it was about 30 degrees, windy and the fog was so thick you couldn't see 20 feet. Those poor girls! Actually, they seemed much less affected than us parents. I'm so happy Mike had conditioning and took Michael with him. It was so cold. The boys did make it to the much warmer second game.
The Blue Jets won the first game 3-2! Taylor did a solid job at midfield and played so well in her two shutout quarters in goal, that her coaches moved her to goal for the entire second game. The second team was big and good. The game was tied 1-1 after regulation and two overtime periods before the Blue Jets pulled out the shootout win! I was so proud of Taylor for how fearless and focused she played in goal. She just dives all over the place and hurls her body in front of any and every shot. She is a tough nugget.
We met at our home field before traveling to the tournament site. That's frost all over the fields. The tournament fields were much foggier than this. Brrrrrrr.
Again, brrrrrr.
One advantage to Taylor playing goalie is that the ref let her keep her fleece on since it was a different color than the uniforms. :) Look at how focused she and Sydney are here. Sydney is a great fullback and she and Taylor make a great team on defense.
We had about three hours to kill between the first and second game Saturday, so Taylor, my mom went to Skyline for lunch. Here, the Worm enjoys her first taste of Skyline. Okay, not really. She just got plain spaghetti and crackers. She ate two huge plates.

Cute pictures of Mother and I posing with Taylor. I'll warn you, you'll be wondering why in the world I posted the next couple of pictures. We were having so much fun goofing off that I need these to remind me of the special girl time!
I promised my mom that if she let me post this picture, that I would post this... praying mantis face! Take note of the creepy fingers.
Alright, back to the field
Taylor really did tear it up in goal that second game. I took this picture just a second too soon. Notice that the purple girl has beaten our defenders. Taylor threw herself on the ball and made the big save.
Just cute. :)
Six years old DID NOT play like this when I was a kid! Look where the ball is!
This picture cracks me up. I was just snapping away trying to get a good action shot. Somehow, I managed to get a picture of the ball mid-flight and not one single soul in the entire frame, ha ha.
Happy Blue Jets.
End of the game cheer.
Taylor and her buddy Aidan. They were also on the same team last year. Look at how much older they look now!

After Saturday's second game, we drove the 45 minutes home and went straight to church. After church, we went out to dinner. Then, back up when the rooster crowed Sunday morning for the district semifinal game. The Blue Jets lost 1-0 against a very good team. What a great season, 11-1-1!
The weekend wasn't over yet, though. Taylor came home, showered, then headed to Lily's birthday party at the bowling alley. After I dropped her off, I put Michael down for a nap, turned on TLC and fell asleep sitting straight up, drool and all. Do you blame me?
Taylor and Lily.
And because this post is lacking in Pear pictures, here's a cute picture of Taylor and Michael playing doctor. She was feeding her patient oranges. :)

Until next time,
Mommy Kel
Tell Taylor that I said she rocks my socks!!! Congrats on a great season & for being one goalie that's not to be messed with!!! Love the funny face I miss contortionist Kel...oh wait...does that sound weird? And failed to mention on the phone how AWESOME your Halloween cake pops were!
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