Saturday was an a beautiful Fall day and the family, along with Grandma T., traveled to Bonnybrook Farm after Taylor's last regular season soccer game (Taylor's Blue Jets team finished undefeated and qualified for the district tourney. More on that later.) Last year, our trip to a different pumpkin patch was a little, uh, crappy. It was raining on and off, about 40 degrees and Michael was not feeling it. This year was perfect!
We love Bonnybrook Farms!
Don't we look happy?
Grandma's turn. She totally spoiled the kids, of course. She paid for them to do all of the activities and got sweet-talked into buying them stuffed animals about five minutes into being there. She rocks.
The place is impressive. It's so big that you aren't tripping over other people and there's plenty to keep the kids entertained. A lot of the activities are free or cost very little. (Easy for me to say since G-ma was footing the bill.)
I was disappointed that the penny pony was for 12 and under. I'm sure the staff has some good stories as to why that rule had to be added...
Mommy, I want a pony.
Tub fishing. Don't drink the water.
Both kids love to do crafts and artwork. I finally had to tell them that enough was enough with the pumpkin painting. We would have been there for hours.
Artist at work.
This is like three pictures of Mike and I together in about a month. Gasp!
Like I mentioned, there are tons of fun things to do there, but my favorite was probably the mountain slide. It was a 25-foot corrugated tunnel slide that went through a big hill. Somehow, I managed to talk my mom into doing it. The woman has had a hip and knee replaced in the last 10 years, but took me up on the challenge. She almost went down backwards! Her foot caught as she was getting into the tunnel and she spun around. Luckily, I was able to grab her in time, haha!
I love this picture. Look how big the hill is - it's quite a hike to the top of the tunnel! I did not enhance the color either. It was a gorgeous day.
I took a picture of everyone on the slide, but HAVE to post this one. Mad props to you, Mother.
You shoot out at the bottom.
Some more pictures:
Mother, on the long and winding road. Or, maybe that 's the road not taken...
Two sights I'd better never see again:

The petting area was really cool. You could get right up close and pet the donkeys, goats, sheep, horses and chickens. Well, maybe not the chickens. They're kind of pecky.
Black(ish) sheep, black(ish) sheep, what do you see? Michael's favorite part of his favorite book, so he had to have a picture.
A horse is a horse (of course, of course).
A few more random cute pictures:

Be still my heart, they are sharing.
We ended our day with the customary hayride. Now it was pushing 3 p.m. at this point and the Pear had endured a full soccer game, a long car ride and three hours at the farm. He was definitely getting a little nasty when we boarded, (Quote from one older woman sitting across from us, "Oh, I've never seen a child that young make such a mean face." Nice.) He settled in once we got going and had a blast.
Mike and I are cut off and Taylor is totally fake smiling, but this still beats the other picture my mom took because in it, Michael is making the aforementioned "face."
He was trying to make "the face" here too, but I tickled him right before my mom snapped the picture.
That's better!
My sunny girl.I actually took way more pictures, but I don't have the patience to put them all on here. We'll definitely be going back next year. Fun times!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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