Well Worm, you turned the big numero cinco today. This birthday really hit me hard. For some reason, 5 seems like a milestone, the transition from little girl to big girl. Thank you for being my friend, my helper, my teacher and my biggest supporter. I love you so much, as does your Daddy and Michael (and Champy, too).

My mom took Taylor to Build-A-Bear yesterday and the Worm chose a dog to stuff and dress. She had a great time. I'm not going to lie, I wanted to make an animal, too!
Helping stuff her dog.
My little Worm.
Thanks G-ma!
Princess Chloe the dog and Princess Taylor the Worm.
I let Taylor choose between a cake or cupcakes and she chose cupcakes. I baked and iced them, and Taylor and her friend McKenna worked their magic with sugary decoration goodness. I figure I'll get the last of the sugar off the floor sometime around October...
The finished products!
I think Taylor got her birthday and Christmas mixed up because she popped into our room at 6:15 this morning, asking if she could unwrap her present. Mean ol' Mike and I made her go back to bed. We did make sure we were all up by 7:58 a.m. - that's the time the Worm was born five years ago.
Opening her card and presents before breakfast (excuse the chipped paint in the background. You'll notice it's at the exact level as the back of Taylor's chair...)
We don't do donuts very often, but the Pear is obviously pleased with his.
We had a pretty low-key day. It rained all day, so we spent a good portion of the evening in our neighbors' garage, just hanging out. There were 4 1/2 kids (one due in Sept.) and Taylor was the oldest. She's growing up on us!
Michael, Ella, Taylor.
Ben will be on the stoop with the big kids next year.
The festive trifle Taylor and I made for the cookout.
Hope you had a great 4th!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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