Mike and I met at a Hoop-It-Up tournament in June 2000. His team won, I interviewed him and he emailed me on the Post's website a few days later. Since most of his team was from out of state, there would have been no reason to interview him had they not won the whole stinkin' thing. Talk about the biggest game of both of our lives (and that of two cuties known as the Worm and the Pear).
We've been married seven wonderful years. Those years have included the addition of one dog, two kids, four job changes, two houses purchased, numerous vacations, road trips, etc., etc. We've definitely had fun together! I love our road trips and late nights after the kids have gone to bed because we get enjoy each other just like the old days. We can just talk and talk, which is why I always stay up too late and never get enough sleep!
Mike is a great dad and that's evident by how much the kids just light up when they're around him. Family time is the best.
So here's to seven awesome years and many, many more to come. I love you, Mike!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
P.S. Here's a little clip from the Flintstones that I always remember when I think of anniversaries:
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