The Pear had his 18-month appointment yesterday (ironically, on his 18-month birthday)! Boy, does this kid hate the doctor's office. He saw a few friends from Susan's house in the waiting room and was happy as can be. Once we crossed the threshold from friendly waiting room to the exam rooms, it clicked in his little (I use that term loosely) head that we were at that place that pokes and prods him, the tears started. I can't say I blame the little (again, loosely) guy after his early months of tummy troubles. We made it through, though.
He's on track with all of his milestones and Dr. Dooley said his language skills are probably a little advanced for his age. He says about 25 words, but when that raging temper emerges, forget about it. He yelled some gibberish at Dr. Dooley at one point, wagging that little (this one is okay) finger in the air. He got just one shot yesterday, his last until kindergarten (with the exception of flu shots). He's never had a bad reaction to shots, but last night, he was really crabby and obviously did not feel good. He wanted to do nothing more than sit on my lap and would scream if I tried to put him down. He did seem to bounce back around 8 o'clock and was back to running around like a mad man.
So, here's what new with the Pear. Side note - His height and weight are exactly the same as Taylor's 2-year stats!:
Height: 34 1/2" (95th percentile)
Weight: 26 lbs. (50th percentile)
Head: Big (still slightly off the chart)
Teeth: 16
Diaper Size: 4
Clothing Size: 24 months shirts; 18 months shorts
Shoe Size: 7
Recent Milestones: Talking more and more; shooting on the Little Tikes hoop; hitting the ball off the tee; climbing everything very quickly; stepping back on his tiptoes when he's excited; giving fist pounds; saying "Bye" and waving as he heads off to bed; giving dozens of kisses before bed, running back and forth between Mommy and Daddy
Favorite Toys: Basketball hoop set; bat/ball set; his big Teddy; Teddy Bear Blanket; balloons; really into book right now - grabs a book and backs onto my lap; peg toy
Favorite Foods: He's getting pickier. Likes Dora soup, spaghetti, peanut butter, bananas, waffles, apples best
Favorite Drinks: The kid will pretty much only drink milk and lots of it! He's on 2% now because the whole milk was filling up his belly too much.
Here's a picture from about a year ago. Looks how much he's changed!

Until next time,
Mommy Kel
1 comment:
I love his stats! I can't wait for Baloney to be into giving kisses. And the scene of Pear wagging his finger at the doctor cracked me up!
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