Hail in my flower bed. It was way bigger than this, but I had to wait to get out there and take a picture.
It would get really sunny in between downpours!
The kids enjoying a break in the weather. High heels and Daisy Dukes - nice look Taylor!
Mooommmmy, I can't go out there. I'll melt!
Yay, it quit raining! Now we can take a walk!
Who could resist this face?
I had to take this picture for all of my friends and family who have not made the trek to Wilmington. This is diagonal from our road, about two football fields away. Back in the day, nobody would have believed that I'd end up living really, really close to the country. (Those are sprouting beans, by the way.)
We had one last graduation party for the year. Kirby and his family are such awesome people! We wish him the best in college and I sure hope his parents and kid brother still hang out at basketball games next season. Taylor gave him a few hundred hugs at his party. :)
Kirby, Mike, Pear.
Taylor loves getting girlied up for parties!
Guess how Michael stayed amused?
Future OSU tailback?
Wow, it's late and I need to get some sleep! Have a good one!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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