We carved our pumpkin a few days ago while the Pear napped. He's been so curious lately that I just knew we'd all be covered in pumpkin goo if I let him anywhere near it. Taylor's prerequisites were: 1) Happy and 2) Girlie. Since Mike has no part in the carving ceremonies, I obliged.
I got the kids to pose outside with our new jack o' lantern. You'll notice that Taylor's hair is longer here than in some of the later pictures. I shaped up the bob on Tuesday. It looks so cute!
We made Halloween cupcakes for the kids at the babysitter's house on Tuesday. I love having those extra days off each week because I get to do fun Mommy-type stuff with the kids. Taylor was such a big helper - she cracked the eggs, held the mixer (control-freak me only had a slight heart attack while she was doing it), poured the batter into the cups and handled the sprinkles.
The Pear and I get some quality mommy-son time each Tuesday and Thursday after I drop Taylor off at school. We usually play in the floor, have a snack and get some good giggles in! He disses me for a nap after about 45 minutes, but I love that time with my little man.
Well, I think I'm going to hit the sack. Michael doesn't always sleep great when he's teething, so I know I might hear him around 3 a.m. Hope you all have a great Halloween! Can't wait to post some costume pictures.
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
I can't stand it. Worm's Daphne picture is soooo you (minus the pink). I'm already feeling Taylor-hug withdrawals! And Pear is turning into such a big boy! Your caption for his winter outfit picture is perfect. I miss you guys!
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