Monday, October 13, 2008

Beware the Pear!

Dear friends, be on alert. There's a force of nature out there more powerful than a hurricane, more destructive than a tornado and more fierce than the fiercest of typhoons. Michael Man, aka the Pear, aka Piece of Work (we mean that lovingly), is on the loose.

Michael went from stationary to a mobile machine in about two weeks. He's everywhere. He's taken a particular liking to the stairs (which he easily scales), Champ's water dish (pretty ironic that a child that SCREAMED during every bath in the first six months of his life loves to play with water) and any toy that Taylor happens to be playing with at the moment. He pulls up on everything and likes to cruise along hard furniture, then fall and whack his teeth, chin, nose, etc. It's such a fun and exhausting stage! I can only imagine what adventures walking will bring.

Get back, Daddy. I don't need a spotter on these steps.

Oh, I can't wait to jump off of there!

All wet after attacking Champy's dish. Notice how apprehensive Champ looks.

Taylor found a safe haven from the Pear. Uh-oh Worm, I see little hands approaching.

Michael likes to pull up on the side of this chair and scream in Taylor's ear.

Higher Daddy!

20 minutes for Taylor and I to setup - 5 seconds for the Pear to gleefully destroy.

We're having fun here! I'm going to have to get a video of Taylor and Michael playing together. She can get him laughing so hard. It's adorable!

I'm excited for this week. Taylor has her field trip to a pumpkin patch Thursday, we have a birthday party to go to Saturday and the beloved Lauri and her men are in town Sunday. Yay!

I'll end with a few random shots. Enjoy!

At the homecoming parade.

Until next time,

Mommy Kel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh!!!!! I am so excited to see you & the fam! I am not surprised that the Pear is on the go-go-go! And holy cow...the Worm pic of her looking at you while reading her book in the green chair is soooo Mommy Kel it's scary. Can't wai to see you guys!!!!