Princess Taylor - the Unicorn rider.
I was a little nervous when I first started getting the Pear ready. He was having a few **ahem** bowel issues and not happy about putting on his bat costume. Luckily, a little guano and few minutes later and the little guy was as happy as can be. He looked adorable, too.
Champ donned the same costume he's worn the previous five years. Super Dog isn't quite as fit and trim as he was at 1 1/2, so we had to make some alterations.

We lasted about an hour before heading home. Taylor helped me hand out candy and Michael supervised. I bet we had over 300 kids this year! Our street is a giant horseshoe, so parents unload their kids at one end and pick them up at the other.
Taylor also had her preschool party yesterday. It was a circus theme (it's a Christian preschool, so they do this to eliminate scary/gory costumes) so I had to find a second costume for Taylor. She chose to be a tiger and we just threw something together at the last minute. She loved it and looked great! I helped out at the party and had so much fun. Four is a great age - the kids are getting out of the shy stage, but haven't entered the "too-cool" stage. I had so much fun playing with Play-Doh, helping with games and doing silly dances. The kids couldn't believe that the moms all knew the Chicken Dance!
Taylor the Tiger.
The circus class.
Yesterday was a busy one! After the class party, we picked up Michael from the babysitter's house and headed to his GI specialist follow-up appointment. He's been going to a specialist since was about 8 weeks old because of milk sensitivities and reflux. The doctor was amazed and quite pleased with how big the Pear has gotten. He's 31" long (over 95th percentile) and 23 pounds (75th percentile). We're starting to wean him off the Prevacid (the doctor said the dose he's on is not very effective at his weight now anyway) and were given the okay to start trying cheese and foods that have milk as an ingredient. If all goes well, he can have regular ol' milk at 1! He also put him on a mild stool softener for a few weeks because of some straining. We'll leave it at that since the Pear and his future wife might be reading this some day. :)
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
P.S. Updated to add a picture of my Halloween costume. My sign says "Charlotte" - I'm a web writer (my official title at work). :)