Monday, August 8, 2011

Catching Up - Easter

An Easter post in August?? Pathetic, I know. I wasn't doing great with blogging in the spring as it was, but after my dad got sick, I just stopped completely. I was still taking pictures, though. I just wasn't doing anything with them.

My parents came up to my house on Easter for lunch and an egg hunt. I remember saying some really nice things to my dad that day, thanking him for always being there for me. I had no idea he was sick, at least consciously.

This is the last picture I took of my dad. I almost didn't post it because now I realize that he already looked pretty sick. But, he looks like he's having so much fun with the grandkids (and granddog) that I think it needs to be here. Hard to believe he passed away six weeks later. Gosh, I miss him.

Here are some other pictures from that day. I'm having trouble moving things around in Blogger, so they might be out of order. I remember that we all had fun that day. My dad loved my deviled eggs and even asked how I made them. :)

Two pretty ladies.

Attempt at a family picture.

Kiddos and I. Mike was much too focused on the candy from the eggs to bother with the camera.


Dying Easter eggs the week before (told you these are out of order!).

My Easter cuties. They look alike here!

Until next time (which will be soon!),

Mommy Kel

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