Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Break '11 - Part Three

The kids were on their best behavior during vacation and acted like the best of friends. They seemed to truly each other and stuck together like glue. The condo had three bedrooms, but one tiny room had bunk beds and a wall-mounted DVD player. Well, the kids thought that was the greatest thing ever! To my amazement, they crammed in that little room every night and slept great.

Watching a video before bed.

Taylor had the procedure for changing DVDs down pat.

I've never seen them voluntarily spend so much time in bed, haha.

Hanging out up top.

Bedtime snack

I walked in after a long day at the pool to see this one day. How cute!

Playing cards together - War!

Buddies at the pool.

Our cute condo.

My favorite dinner out was a Pompano Joe's, right on the beach. The crabcakes were deeee-lish!

All cleaned up, cute and ready to rock.

"I'll just play Taylor's video game while you take for-ever getting ready, Mommy."

Cute family shot at the restaurant. This is the only night I bothered to fix my hair and the wind was so strong that it just knocked the bajeezus out of it.

Our view from the restaurant.

We were only five minutes from outlet malls. Even the play areas there were way fun for the kids.

Until next time,

Mommy Kel

1 comment:

Tony & Nick said...

I love how well they get along...Sibling bonds are the best!