Let's see - I left off after Santa presents. We quickly showered while the kids played, tried to clean up the house a little and hit the road for Pittsburgh.
Annual in-the-car-pictures:

We made our first stop at my mother-in-laws house. There we visited with Mike's three siblings, his niece, Kayla, and his mom and step dad. The kids opened some presents and we had a lovely dinner prepared by Marilyn.
Taylor and Aunt Katy.
Michael and Uncle Pat.
Taylor with her American Girl dog from Gma N.
Michael has had so much fun with this racetrack!
Next, we were off to Mike's Aunt's house for the annual Christmas gathering. Everyone gets together and it's always such a good time.
The kids with Aunt Ginny.
Cousins Emily and Brittany.
Mike and Benny.
Mike and a beer.
Big brother/little sister love. Amy and Danny hug it up after some White Elephant exchange teasing.
Michael won this purse in the exchange and loved it, haha. It was a short-lived love, though. Somebody stole it a few minutes later and he didn't care.
Aunt Linda and Aunt Katy.
Cousins Lauren, Cassidy and Matt. These kids were Taylor and Michael's ages when I met them!
Boys watching basketball.
Aunt Maureen, Gma and Taylor.
Pretty sisters!
Annual cousins picture in the foyer.
Siblings (minus Bryony), the kids and I.
My camera battery died, but we had some more fun adventures the next day. Swimming in the hotel pool, dinner at Gma's and a cold but super-fun trip up the Pittsburgh incline!
Once we got home, it was like Christmas morning all over again for the kids. Presents were assembled and the fun began. The kids were occupied enough for me to take down all decorations and tree and catch up on laundry (Mike was at bball practice).
How cool is this? I'm proud to say I assembled it by myself. :)
Michael showing off the boo boo he got the day after Christmas.
Taylor making her first masterpiece in the Easy Bake Oven.
Ahhhh, my clean, open living room, minus all Christmas decorations! I missed it!
This guy was happy to see us home, too!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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