Anyone who follows this blog knows how much Taylor loves dogs. We have an awesome 8 1/2-year-old yellow lab, Champ, but Taylor has been begging for a puppy to join our clan. I told her maybe for her 7th birthday, but I spotted a pooch on Petfinder that was being housed at our local humane society that looked perfect! She is a beagle mix (Taylor loves beagles) and the staff assured me that she was sweet and not aggressive at all with people or the other dogs. I let the kids meet her and we decided to bring her home.

We picked up "Amber" the next morning and the kids and I were just so excited. We let her check out the house before introducing Champ and everything went great. Amber was as sweet as could be with us, but it was obvious as the day went on that she was not a fan of Champ. Our Champy is the sweetest, most docile dog you'd ever meet. He wouldn't hurt a fly and Amber just tore into him every time he came near me. We tried all kinds of different things, but Champ was absolutely miserable and heartbroken and we knew that Amber would have to go back to the shelter. It made me so sad and I cried as we left her there. :( It's a no-kill shelter and I hope she finds a great home!

In other news, Taylor had strep throat that was misdiagnosed (not by our usual doctor) and drug on for an entire week. Luckily, the sickness coincided with a boatload of snow days so she only missed 1/2 day of school. She had her first basketball game yesterday and got the defense award. Daddy was way proud.
Michael is just hilarious. He limped into the kitchen today holding his leg. "I getting old," he said sadly. The kid is full of personality!

This winter has been brutal, but it finally got above 30 degrees today (and sunny!!) so we ventured outside. Champy got a walk, we made a snow polar bear and Taylor got to play with her buddy down the street. Good times!

Until next time,
Mommy Kel