Let me tell you a little something about this cute little kid we call the Pear. He has, shall we say, a "strong" personality. He's a charmer, flashing that million dollar smile and melting hearts everywhere. He's a cuddler, too, always asking me for "fisses" (kisses) or laying his head on me. Then two seconds later, he's screaming because something - any little thing - doesn't go his way. Hands down, the LOUDEST child I've ever been around. We're working on the whole "church voice" thing. I asked him tonight - "If you have to talk in church, how do you talk." "QUIET!!" he screamed excitedly. Yeah, you get the point.
The softer side of Pear (excuse my outfit - I'd just worked out):
The Dark Side:

Either way, we love this little guy so much (and his awesome big sis, too, of course)!
I'm obviously behind on posting, so I have lots of pictures this go around. First, some shots from the park on one of our recent warm days.
The Worm, looking pretty daring (and darling).
She's getting so tall. I remember not too long ago when she'd just dangle on this.
Love this picture! Crossing the duck pond and headed for the second playground.
He must have gone down this twisty slide 25 times.
Running to give his Mommy a hug!
Love that smile!
Michael looking handsome after church.
Taylor posing with her animals after putting on an animal talent show for me. Husky Dog won. :)
In their chairs. It's funny, they rarely sit in the other kid's chair.We celebrated our neighbor Caden's 4th birthday at a local pizza restaurant the other day.
Mmmm. Cake.
Our other neighbor, Ben, and his mom Michelle.
Caden and Taylor.
Cute Caden opening the Hot Wheels Octopus set Taylor picked out by herself.Of course, with Easter around the corner, we've indulged in some Peeps. Taylor passed on the pink ones and chose green because she knows it's my favorite color. Such a sweetie!
He looks excited, but he actually didn't care for it much.
The Worm loved hers!
Mike makes fun of me for taking pictures of myself, but it's the only way I can get on my own blog.I don't think I posted about his before, but Mike was nominated for the Clinton County Leader of the Year in the education field. Wow, what an honor! He lost out to some big-name professor from the college, but still, how cool!
The Hurricane sports banquet was this past week. It's always nice to see the graduating players one more time.
The kids before the banquet.
Peeking Pear.
Peeking Worm.
Mike and one of his favorite seniors, Brandon. Brandon is a total Keefer (see previous posts). Valedictorian, captain of the football team, so polite and friendly - he's got it all going for him and we wish him the best!
Jordan, assistant coach Tony, Mike, Pear, JV coach Zach and Taylor.
Taylor posing after the banquet was over.
Just one week until we leave for Florida. Woo-hoo!! Have a great week.
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
1 comment:
- Love the title of the blog.
- Your characterizations of Michael crack me up.
- Congrats to Mike on his nomination!
- And I love your self-portraits! Log that if you like. :)
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