Mike News: The Hurricane are now 10-4 and continue to absolutely destroy the "ordinary" teams on the schedule. The four losses were to the No. 8 team in the country, the three-time defending Georgia state champ, the No. 1 team in Ohio and the No. 3 team in Ohio. Jordan is finally healed and back on the court, just in time for two key conference games against Walnut Hills (this Saturday and next Friday).
This picture is classic. Mike was totally annoyed with my picture taking. But, he will be so happy I got a picture of his beloved TV in the background. Goodfellas was on, which is why I was on the other side of the room.

Taylor News: Taylor got her mid-year report on Monday. She got "Excellent" ratings (out of three possible ratings) across the board. Her teachers wrote, "Taylor is a sweetie. She's doing great." We're very proud of her. She's most recently enjoyed Pajama Day at school and has already filled out her Valentine's for the big class party in two weeks. I think she's looking forward to it! The Worm is doing a great job learning at home, too. She knows tons of sight words and can read/write simple stories.

Taylor is always putting together crazy outfits. Yes, that's a coat hanger.

Michael News: The Pear just continues to grow! These old bones feel every bit of those 32ish pounds on my back when I'm carrying him around (which he still very much enjoys). He's smart as a whip. Counts everything, knows most of his colors, some letters and says pretty much whatever he wants. Sometimes that's not a good thing - "I DON'T WANT THAT!!" "Go lay down!" (to Champy) "I don't want Mommy, I want Daaaaaddy!" He's so funny and loves to make people laugh.

A silly picture of the Pear and I.
Kellie News: I'm still busy juggling work, home, kids, basketball, freelance work and workout time. I wouldn't have it any other way. I feel so fortunate to be able to work part time. It's perfect right now! I'm so happy to see it warming up a bit. Whenever the snow starts melting and the sun shines again after a frigid spell, I feel like singing "Ave Maria" like in the final scene of the movie Alive. Those of you who have heard me sing know that's not a good thing.

My big, fat, lovable Champy. He's so squishy.
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
Mommy Kel
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