In about another 90 minutes, my darling little boy turns 2! Hard to believe that the Pear is already/only 2 years old. He's such a blessing in my life. Able to charm an entire room, incite laughter from the grouchiest of souls and send the masses into hiding when things aren't just right in Pear world. Michael is happy, cute, loud, smart, funny, loud, physical, stubborn, loud, sweet and well, loud. No doubt that he's inherited the coach's voice. Sometimes he can really get my blood boiling, but the little stinker already knows that all it takes is one of his little crinkly-eye smiles and I'm mush. We're having a lot of fun these days.
Michael had his 2-year well check today. Here goes:
Height: 36" (90th percentile)
Weight: 29 lbs. 2 oz. (50th percentile)
Teeth: 19 1/2; Can I get an "hallelujah"?
Diaper Size: 5
Clothing Size: 18 month pants still fit his waist (actually a little baggy), but are becoming a little floodish; 2T or 3T in tops - he's long waisted
Shoe Size: 7 1/2, 8 or 8 1/2, depending on the shoe
Recent Milestones: Talks in three-word or more sentences; jumps off both feet (as opposed to skip jumping); sings (soooo cute)
Favorite Toys: Teddy Bear Blanket, blocks, Elmo doll, Fisher Price Garage
Favorite Foods: spaghetti, chicken noodle soup, peanut butter, pears, applesauce, McDonald's fries and chicken nuggets (sparingly), apple slices. Notice the lack o' veggies?
Favorite Drinks: All milk, all of the time.
Click here to compare stats from last December. He's growing up **sniff**!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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