Taylor was a big help this year! I bought her gardening gloves and her own pink tools, so she was thrilled to lend a hand. The Pear "helped" too, throwing handfuls of potting soul into the air, covering himself and Taylor (somehow I missed the assault). Their bath water was disgusting Friday night! We wisened up and did the rest of the planting on Saturday when Michael was sleeping.
I didn't get any pictures of the planting process because my new camera is too pretty to get dirty. :)
On Sunday, we got a visit from Mike's Aunt Nancy and her boyfriend Frank. (For the record, Aunt Nancy isn't much older than Mike and could pass for his sister.) They had spent the previous day at the Kentucky Derby and yes, Nancy did pick the 50-1 winner! Woo-hoo! My cuddle bug Taylor stuck to her great aunt like glue and Michael was offering up big kisses before she left. Too bad she doesn't live closer (how many times have I said that about friends and family?)!

Michael (he's actually smiling in a picture!), Mike, Taylor, Nancy, Frank.

A rare family picture.

I'm constantly trying to get pictures of the Worm and the Pear together. I can usually get Taylor to cooperate, but Michael, not so much. Here are some examples.
Look at the snarl on the Pear's face! He smiles all of the time, but almost never for the camera.
The next few pictures are from earlier in the week. Enjoy!

I'm swamped at work so I've gotta go. Have a great week!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
P.S. I've gotta give props to two friends who did a lot more than just plant flowers this weekend. My best buddy from high school, Carla, completed the Capital City Half-Marathon in Columbus on Saturday and my work pal, Iris, finished the Flying Pig Marathon on Sunday. That's nearly a combined 40 miles!
1 comment:
Love The Pear's grin! And purple is a great color on you. Taylor! Way to keep the Buckeye spirit alive!
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