The past week was a lot of fun! We rented a pontoon boat on Cowan Lake on Saturday. This is one of our favorite warm-weather activites because the whole family can enjoy it, including Champy. Yes, even our beloved pooch gets to come along. Saturday was beautiful - 70s and sunny. We brought the fishing stuff, but only drop a line a few times. I was all about relaxing. We ate lunch out there, cruised around the lake a little, then headed back. The kids had a blast.
We had rain on Sunday and I accidently let Champ loose (didn't know the gate was open). I guess he found the nearby creek, because he came back gross. Taylor and I were forced to give him a bath, then hot showers for us!
Mike's basketball banquet was Sunday night. The AD organized a dinner and slide presentation to go along with the usual awards ceremony. It was awesome. I'll have to find a way to link to the basketball Power Point. It actually made me kind of teary-eyed.
On Tuesday, Mother (I always call my mom this, kind of as a joke because we are so NOT formal) came up and treated us to a trip to the Outlet Malls. Michael was a little gassy (I call my kids "Olde English Tudors" when they get like that. Get it, "Tooter"?) and not really too happy, but we did get some good shopping time in. Good ol' Mother even treated her baby to a few little things. She rocks.
We got an awesome treat on Thursday. My dear old friend Lea came to visit! Lea is probably my oldest friend (as in time, not age). I think we started hanging out when we were 5 and our older brothers played Little League together. She is so awesome and I could just talk to her for hours. We hadn't seen each other in years, so I was glad she got to see the kids (and meet Michael). I'll be planning a trip to her neck of the woods soon!
I'll end with a few more pictures from the week. Enjoy your weekend!
Michael is a dare-devil. He shimmies right up the steps on our playset. Hard to believe he just started walking three months ago!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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