The title and Michael's snarl tell the story - The Crud has invaded our home. Both kids were coughing Friday when I picked them up from Susan's. Mike had to scout (as Gomer Pyle would say, "Surprise, surprise, surprise!") so after a picked-over dinner, I set up blankies, pillows and animals in the living room and we relaxed by watching movies and eating popcorn. I thought the low-key night would work it's healing wonder and we'd all wake up revived Saturday morning. Wrong.
Watching movies!
While Taylor's cold seemed to be a little better, Michael's was worse. By Monday morning, he sounded horrible so I made an appointment. It took 35 minutes to get through to the office! One of the nurses told me that they have three lines, so a busy signal means that all three lines are full. Yikes! I'd say something is going around.
Turns out the Pear has an ear infection and bronchitis. The doctor said it was so bad in one lung that it is "almost" pneumonia. Poor guy! He really has been a trooper. That's one of the reasons I thought he was fine at first. He's still been playing and seems generally cheery. He got a breathing treatment at the office and I'm pretty sure everyone in a 2-mile radius knew he didn't care for it much. One of the nurses commented on how loud he was (not in a witchy way, in a "whoa" way). I told her she should hear him with two good lungs. I'm hoping the antibiotic works its wonders the next few days. If not, we go back in on Thursday. Say a little prayer for my guy!
Mike's team FINALLY starts sectional action tomorrow night. I feel like it's been forever since they've played! I'm guessing that the Noszka clan will have to skip, unless Michael is doing much better. We'll be with them in spirit. Go Cane!
Hope your week is going well!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
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