Taylor hated finger painting when she was Michael's age. She's never been a big fan of getting her hands dirty and she never got the concept that she was supposed to intentionally make herself messy. It's kind of fun for her now that she's older, but she's still very careful to keep the paint on her hands and the paper only. She went through about 10 paper towels in 20 minutes of painting tonight.
Taylor and her controlled finger painting. Never mind the shirt. It's a size 3T (she wears a 5). Of course, she didn't get any paint on it anyhow.
Michael had absolutely nooooo problem getting messy. I squirted a little bit of paint on his paper and he went to town, squealing, smearing the paint and reaching for more. He'd fill up one paper and I'd remove it and put down another sheet. It was going well until I stepped away to get Taylor a paper towel. I turned back around to see this:
Michael decided he'd rub the paint into his hair. I stopped him, and he went back to the paper, but that didn't last long.
"Where should I put these messy hands?"
The finished artwork. The bottom four are Taylor's. The top one is Michael's. He made several, but they all pretty much look like this.
Michael, of course, got an immediate bath. Taylor just had to wash her hands off, haha.
Here are a few more pictures from the past couple days. Enjoy!
I need to get some sleep now. Have a great start to the week!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel