The Pear and I played while Taylor and Mike did most of the work. Michael has become so much fun in the last month. He loves to play peek-a-boo and does silly things that he knows will make us laugh. Tonight at dinner he kept putting the lid to my Gladware on his head and laughing hysterically. It was so cute. He also likes playing ball - he has a pretty good arm! I've noticed that he's been cuddlier than ever lately. I just melt when he puts his little head on me and nuzzles.
Like most moms, I get horrible mom guilt if I think I've not paid enough attention to one of my kids. Champ, my first "baby", is no exception. I felt bad that he hadn't gotten a walk in a few days, so we headed out in the elements after I put the kids to bed.
Gotta get some sleep now. I'll update this weekend with pictures from Taylor's Thanksgiving program.
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
Aw...what a sweet post. The kids are so cute. Love the pic of you & Champy. I bet he loved his one-on-one walk with you!!!
Oh my gosh! The pics of the snow give me goosebumps. Not ready for all that crud just yet.
You family is beautiful! Gotta love those yellowing bruises....seems like our 4 get a least one new one a day. Surely they'll learn to control their gigantic melons SOMETIME, right?!
Love from KS,
Moni and the Graf Quads
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