Mommy Kel
P.S. Give me props for two updates in one day. :)
Tales from the world of the Squirmy Worm (Taylor) and her chunky little brother, Pear (Michael).
Taylor assembling nature.
I want that...and that...and that...You'll get nothing and like it.
Cuties under the tree. The Pear would NOT sit still.
Taylor with her favorite ornament.
The outside lights. Yes, I have a cheesy deer. I even considered an air-blown Santa this year.
Just a cute picture from dinner Saturday night.
Posing with Michelle and cutie Ben.
I took the kids to get their pictures taken on Tuesday. Wow, what a production that is! I picked out the perfect outfits, set up the appointment between nap times and prayed for no sickness, scratches or bruises. The pictures are so adorable. I love the Picture People and I recommend them to everyone. Taylor is a ham and did whatever the photographer asked. Michael was all smiles until I put him down and then he went ballistic! He kept crying and crawling to me, muttering "mummmmummm". In the end, the photographer covered my arms and shoulder with a white sheet and I held Michael. He was all smiles again and they just photoshopped me out later. Too funny. Here are a few samples from the shoot. They are even brighter/cuter in person:
I noticed that Michael had a few eye boogers yesterday morning, but no big deal. Well, his eye turned bright red and goopy last night. (Your eyes are watering right now, aren't they?) It was completely swollen shut this morning so I took him to the doctor. Yep, it's pink eye. Luckily, the drops are supposed to work quickly and he's not contagious after 24 hours. We should be safe to head to Cincy for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. He seems totally unaffected by it. I keep singing, "He's Popeye the sailor Pear..."
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
I was so proud of my little girl last night! Taylor had her preschool program and it was just adorable. She and her classmates were Indians and let me tell you, the Worm makes a pretty cute little squaw. The older kids were pilgrims and the little 3-year-olds were turkeys. I laughed back when Taylor first told me her little friend Noah was going to be a turkey. "Mommy," she said in such a serious voice. "You can't laugh at the 3-year-olds or they won't wear their costumes." Corrected by your 4-year-old for being immature. Oops. :) She did great, as did all of the kids. I have to give props to the teachers. At one point, there were 92 preschoolers on stage!
Taylor had quite the following last night. Grandma Taylor made the 45-minute drive through blowing snow to be there and our friends Brown-Haired Donna (Taylor has always called her this) and her son Kody stopped by. Five of Mike's varsity basketball players also stopped by to see her. How sweet is that?
Taylor, cheesing on stage. The red eye makes them all look like children of the corn.
Taylor and her preschool BFF.
Cute picture of Grandma and her grandkids. Doesn't Michael look really old here? I figured out that it's because he actually has a neck now. It's no longer his big bobblehead noggin sitting on his shoulders. :)
A rare picture of the four of us.
Michael, checking out his big sis on stage.
Short video of Taylor dancing after her part was over.
This weekend should be a fun one. Mike's team has their first scrimmage tomorrow morning and we'll head over for a little bit. I'm excited to watch them play. They should be really good this year. Plus, they really are a great group of guys which makes it even more fun to cheer for them.
Coach Daddy on Meet the Team night.
Hanging out on court with Daddy.
Of course, the big Ohio State/Michigan game is tomorrow. I hate Michigan/scUM. There's really no nice way to say it. I watched Ohio State play Michigan on Family Feud's College Rivalry Week last week and flipped the TV off like 10 times. Real mature, I know (Taylor was at school and Michael was napping). Taylor knows all about our beloved Buckeyes and the rivalry. She's looking forward to the game, too. Tonight I was putting her to bed and I mentioned that we get to watch Ohio State beat Michigan tomorrow. She got a worried look and asked, "But what if Michigan scores more points?" They won't, I reassured her. "Oh yeah," she answered. "We have Beanie."
Go Bucks! Michigan is kinda yucky!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
The kiddos, playing together in the Worm's room.
Taylor and Michael on the Pinto swing. He doesn't look too happy, but he was smiling and having a blast until I picked up the camera.
Michael has taken a real liking to Taylor's kitchen set. I think he thinks it's his job to remove every piece of plastic food from the counter and throw it on the floor.
He likes to play peek-a-boo with the refrigerator door.
Taylor really looks out for her little brother's safety. She screams for me anytime he heads for the stairs (which is approximately 98 times per day) and is good about keeping her small toys off the floor. She performs a "choke test" by placing the item in her mouth to see if it can be swallowed. It's hysterical. The Worm has also learned that she is strong enough to move her little brother around. She likes to pick him up now and remove him from danger. This doesn't always go over so well, as the top-heavy (aka big headed) Pear sometimes takes a fall. More than once Taylor has run up to me saying "Sorry Mommy" as I hear Michael crying in the other room.