Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Lauri & 9-month stats

Have you ever had someone in your life that you feel like God hand-picked for you? Well, that's my Lauri. We met 12 years ago in the Evans Scholar house at Ohio State. I loved her right away. We haven't lived in the same zip code (and rarely the same state) since those days at OSU, but we're still as close as ever. I don't know what I'd do without her.

Here's a little shout out to my bestest bud as she turns 30 something (the same 30 something I'll turn in 3 weeks and 3 days). Ho-pe you have a great day, Lauri!

Lauri and her hubby, Scott.

The kids wanted to wish Lauri a Happy Birthday, too.

The group shot didn't quite work out, haha. Three big heads don't fit into one frame very well.

Other news...Michael had his 9-month checkup today. Dr. Dooley said he looks great and is right on track with milestones (whew, got that crawling thing in right under the wire). Michael weights 21 pounds 15 oz. (75% percentile) and is 30" long (95th percentile). His big noggin continues to be just off the charts. Gotta make room for that big brain.
Here's a little video of him crawling. I'm so proud of him!

I'll end with a few token pictures of the kids:

Michael dragging a chair across the kitchen floor. Mike calls him Bam-Bam.

Taylor with her doggy Daisy. Have I mentioned how much she loves dogs?

Until next time,

Mommy Kel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww...thanks, Kel! What a sweet post! Can't wait to see you and hopefully celebrate your bday in person! And gooo, Michael! Champy is such a good dog. :)