In our house, the answer to that question is a resounding YES! My beloved Buckeyes and Mike's Steelers are back at it and we couldn't be happier (well, if Beanie didn't have a gimpy foot heading into USC, then I might be a little happier, but I digress). I know some parents balk at turning their kids into little walking billboards for their teams, but not us, baby! If you are going to live under our roof, you're going to cheer for the right teams.
Saturday's gear.
Sunday's gear.Taylor has shown some interest this year. She gets the basics of the game and gets excited when Ohio State is ready to score. She'll scrunch her nose up and say, "Ewwww" when asked about Michigan. Good girl. I taught her the Ohio State fight song and she's memorized every word. She thinks Brutus is da' bomb. Hopefully, she'll help me pass it all down to her little bro.

Mike went to the game in Pittsburgh last week, but I followed my good wifely duties and decked the kids out in their Steeler gear in his absense. I was once a loyal Bengals fan, suffering through many, many bad years (worst NFL team of the 90s). But it wasn't until the recent thuggery, trash talking and self-promotion that I officially ditched them. It was Carson Palmer's off-season rant about Ohio State fans and Jim Tressel (seriously, who can diss Jim Tressel???) that forever sealed the deal for me. Rumor has it that I was spotted in a Steelers shirt last Sunday.
So happy to be supporting the Black and Gold.We've had a few illnesses and teething issues, but overall, we're doing great. Taylor started preschool last week and is loving it. She has a good attention span for her age. She gets the fact that good kids get positive attention, and well, she's all about the attention.
Taylor, looking so proud on her first day of school.Michael continues to learn things every day. He waves now, tries to clap, points and dances. He's pretty verbal and is still trying to master crawling. I've learned pretty quickly that the kid doesn't do anything halfway. When he's happy, he's charming the world. We're talking big belly laughs, open-mouth smiles and squeals. An older woman scuttled across the parking lot at Kroger yesterday to tell me how adorable he is and, of course, he turned it on. He waved, did the heart-melting shoulder smile and even reached for her. Unfortunately, the Pear puts the same gusto into his temper. Holy cow, that kid is loud! He's a happy kid overall, but if you take something away or don't pick him up quickly enough, LOOK OUT. Michael is seriously the loudest child I've ever been around (and Taylor's not exactly soft spoken). I think the way he pours himself into things will serve him well as a teenager/adult.
Awww, how sweet. Not.
Literally 20 seconds later after Mama picked him up.There's not much else going on so I'll close with some pictures. Everybody loves them some pictures.
Taylor looking cute next to our wasteland of toys.
Michael with his cousin Abby...
...reading with Grandpa T...
...and watching his cousin Jacob's football game with Grandma T.
Cooling off during the Dog Days of Summer.
Future hoops star?
Or maybe golfer? (If she has ANY golf talent, let it be known that it was not inherited.)
My mom bought this rocking dinosaur when my now 11-year-old nephew was a baby. All six grandkids have loved it and all six have bashed their mouths on the second hump on his head. Michael joined the club shortly after this picture was taken.
Watching Daddy and Taylor play basketball.Until next time,
Mommy Kel