Yes, the title of this post is simply "March." Because people, let's be honest here, I'm a slacker and only update about once a month these days. So, "March" it is. :)
It's been crazy warm here all winter, but especially so the last few weeks. It's been shorts and T-shirt weather and this little heart of mine couldn't be happier. You won't hear me complain about the heat. All four of us love to be outside!
Flying kites outside on a beautiful winter day! We did it all that day - kites, soccer, basketball, tennis and even busted out the ol' bouncy house.
Michael was excited to get his own kite this year. Notice that the string is all tangled up. That's because I reminded him that he needed to hold on tight to it or I'd be chasing it down the street. Of course, he tossed it into the air right after I said that. He loves to get reactions these days (good and bad!). Love that kid.
Look how high Taylor has her kite! Like everything she does, she took it very seriously so she could do her best. Love this kid, too!
Both kids enjoy balling in the street now. We lower the rim to about 8 1/2' and Taylor shots just fine on it. Michael can make shoot and make his small ball on it! Here, Taylor is dribbling around our neighbor. She is my kid so I am biased, but she is really good for her age! Same goes for Michael, who is currently a big Larry Bird fan. He shots and says "Bam" every time he makes it. Hilarious and we have to get it on video.
World's cutest double team.This post is completely out of order chronologically. Sorry!
We dyed Easter eggs today. Lots and lots of Easter eggs! We had a good time with it, even Michael who doesn't have much use for arts and crafts.
She could have colored 100s of eggs if I'd let her.
Despite the fake smile, he did have fun.
See? Haha...Mike has been working on an improvement project the last week or so. What do you think it was? New lighting in the foyer? Fresh paint around the doors? Working on the landscaping? Uh, no.
It was this:
Do you remember Taylor's pink and purple Barbie jeep? It's now the Steelers mobile! I think a little part of Mike wants one for himself.