Although I've learned to adjust to both a little better in my old age, I've always hated cold weather and kind of hated running. So what better thing to do on Thanksgiving morning than run a 5K?
I've been running as my form of exercise pretty much every day since the middle of the summer. It gives me a good workout, it's quick, I can do it anywhere and I actually sort of enjoy it now. When my friend Jaime asked me if I wanted to run the local T-day race, I was a little hesitant. But, it's been a strange year after losing my dad and the holidays and birthdays just aren't the same. What better way to clear my head on Thanksgiving morning than run with the masses?
My longest run is typically 2.4 miles, the length of bike trail by our house. Up until Monday before the race, I hadn't run three miles since my last 5K, about 10 years prior! I knew the course was extremely hilly, so my goal was just to finish without stopping to walk at all. I did it! My time wasn't going to break any records (37 minutes), but I did pass quite a few runners. I had a little bit of gas left in the tank at the end, so I know I could have run faster, but I wanted to be sure I could meet my no-walking goal.

This year was also the first year I handled all of the cooking duties. The casseroles, potatoes and stuffing different worry me - it was the turkey that had me leery! I rarely eat meat and never eat anything on the bone, so the thought of prepping the thing gave me the heebie jeebies. Honestly, it was as bad as I had imagined, haha, with the whole remove the neck and giblet bag issues. Ew, ew, ew. But, my mom and Mike said it was delicious so I guess it was worth it!
We capped off the day by cleaning and playing Yahtzee. A great day!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel
Until next time,
Mommy Kel