We like circuses around here. The kids stage a homemade circus at least a few times a year, even though they had never been. Grandma scored big points when she picked up Barnum and Bailey tickets for the kids and I!
Taylor modeling the free hat that came with the $12 cotton candy. No, really. $12.
Taylor and Grandma.
The kiddos and I. Gotta love how I'm holding a very squirmy Michael up. This was before the show started. They were so good!
In addition to the $12 cotton candy, the kids scored these cute snow cone cups (all compliments of G-ma).
We tried so hard to get a picture of the four of us. After a dozen failures, we went with silly faces. This is by far my favorite!!
The Greatest Show on Earth!
Saturday was also Taylor's last basketball game. She became quite the little player! She scored four points and played great defense in her last game. It's so fun watching her dribble in and score.
After game snacks!
Taylor's kindergarten class was supposed to have a nature hike/frog walk at a nearby lake on Friday. The kids were so excited and were ready to sport their rain boots and hit the trails. Once we met at the school, the organizer canceled because of lightening. We ended up at Taylor's friends house for a play date, so sadness was short-lived.
Sooooo cute!I never got around to posting these pictures from the Winter Sports Banquet.
Us in a gym. Imagine that.
This is Brady, Mike's only senior and one of the kids' favorites.
Off to do some freelance work!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel