Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tennis and Birthdays

What have we been up to? When the weather is warm, we are outside playing with the neighbors, swinging, walking Champ, at the pool, biking, chalking or all of the above. So there, that's my excuse for blog slackerness lately. :)

We decided to join the local swim/tennis club this year and I'm so glad we did. It's been hot! I'm not complaining though. I love the summer and I love the heat. The only time I complain about the heat is when I'm pregnant and that's not happening again.

Taylor is playing tennis this summer. It's not competitive at her age. They just do fun drills that teach them the skills they'll need later. Plus, she scored a free racket, T-shirt, sunglasses and wristband. The wristband is like every 6-year-old's dream. It's really well-run and part of the USTA. She's having a blast with it.

Taylor, part of the Team Orange Alley Cats.

An action shot. I didn't get any of her on the court because I help out with coaching/ball retrieving.

Taylor's 6th birthday is just a few weeks away, but we also had another birthday to celebrate this week. Champy turned 8 on Monday (and a very Happy Birthday to our buddy Tony, who also had a birthday Monday!). He always gets a hot dog on his birthday (Champy, not Tony). I made it extra special this year.

Birthday medley = backyard poo medley for me to clean up the next day.

The kids sang Happy Birthday. Champ was so excited!

Posing in front of the decorations Taylor made. He smiled the whole rest of the night!

I've decided to give up Diet Coke and it's just killing me. It's been 2 1/2 days now and the headaches are unbearable. I'm ready to go to bed before 10 and that's just unthinkable usually. I'll make it through. :)

This tired mama says good-night.
Until next time,
Mommy Kel

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

It's late and I'm tired from a fun-filled weekend on the go, but I can't let the day pass without saying how much I love the two best dads in the world!

The kids and I visited my Pops Saturday and just relaxed and ate yummy LaRosa's pizza. My mom came over too, and we all just had a good time.
I'm way tan right now from swimming and biking, but my dad still has me beat. :) He works outside.
My mom does not age. She could pass for my sister.

Worm, Pear, Mommy.

I'm astonished by how grown up she looks sometimes.

The Pear cuddled up with the kitty in my dad's sunroom. When I walked in, I saw this. He loves the big Tee-tee!

Gramps and Worm.
Michael almost flips this thing backwards.

Grandpa always has snacks at his house. :)
Another cutie.
When we got home Saturday night, our neighbors were outside playing. The kids had an impromptu sidewalk pizza party with the leftover pizza I brought back.
Michael and Ben in matching shirts. :)

Cutie Worm.

This kid cracks me up. This was not posed. He thinks he's hot stuff. :)
Today (Sunday), we had such a great day. Church this morning, bike ride, three hours at the pool with family and friends (we joined the local swim club, which is directly related to my blog slackerness lately), Mike's favorite dinner, then more time with neighborhood friends.
Mike with the kiddos after church.
Have a good week!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Old Kentucky Home

I grew up in Cincinnati and have always considered myself a city girl. My dad, on the other hand, grew up deep in southern Kentucky on a tobacco farm. I loved visiting there when I was a kid - exploring the land, playing in the chicken coop, throwing rocks on the dirt road (yep, my grandma lived on a real dirt road), using the bucket to get water out of the well then drinking that yummy water and even using the outhouse (nope, no running water until I was in my teens).

I hadn't been back to that part of Kentucky in almost 20 years! Saturday, Mike, the kids and I traveled to the bluegrass state for my dad's Taylor family reunion (side note: Taylor is named after my maiden name). My grandma passed away when I was in college and my grandpa has been gone for about 35 years, but it was so nice seeing half sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, great aunts and uncles, etc. It was just a day trip, but one I'm glad we took.

My cousin Scott, his wife Jackie and his little boy Chandler.

Pops, Pear, Mike. The reunion was held at an authentic "home cooking" type restaurant. Mike probably had seven pieces of fried chicken. (My dad spilled coffee on his shirt on the ride down. My grace is explained, haha.)

The Worm and cake. The kid's got a major sweet tooth!


My sisters Angie and Kim.

My dad, his sister Drucilla and brother Louis.

My second cousin Ricky and Pops.

The restaurant had rockers and ceiling fans on the big wooden porch. The kids loved them.

Do you have any family get togethers planned this summer? We head to Pittsburgh next month for Mike's family reunion!

Until next time,

Mommy Kel